𝙸𝚃'𝚂 𝙾𝙺𝙰𝚈,𝙸'𝙼 𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴-Chishiya Shūntaro

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Help for family/mental health problems. I'll have to make him a little bit out of character but not too much,gender neutral reader,fluff<3

You were in your room,sitting in the corner of your bed and leaning against the wall with a warm hoodie on. You were blasting music through your headphones as you stared blankly at your covers,thinking about what just happened and everything you've been going through. Your eyes start to tear up and blur before the tears fall and you can see the small wet spots the tears have made on your hands and sleeves. You start silently crying. Tears staining your face.
That went on for a while until you looked up and saw someone walking into your room. Stopping quickly as they saw that you were crying. You looked up slowly,eyes red and puffy,tear stains visible.
"Hey are you okay?" The voice was muffled through your headphones so you hesitantly took them off.
"Are you okay?" They asked again, coming closer. You could now see that it was chishiya so you instinctively wiped your face and tried to de-puff your eyes and face.
He continued walking closer until he sat down on the side of your bed infront of you.
"I'm fine." You said. Voice slightly breaking and eyes refusing to look at him.
"You don't look okay. You were crying right?" He replied and looked at you again.
"It was nothing I'm fine." You said again but your voice was more stern.
"If you tell me I'll leave you alone" he persuaded. But you weren't budging.
"There's nothing to tell." You were getting frustrated now. He sighed and sat closer to you,touching your hand. You pulled it away and he sighed again.
"Come on,you trust me right?" He asked.
"Yes. I do. But that doesn't mean I have to tell you everything." You answered.
"So there is something" he said
"No there isn't chishiya. Just leave me be,I told you I'm completely fine." You said again,now slowly looking up at him.
"Then why are your eyes puffy and red? And why are there tear stains on your face?"
Shit. He noticed.
You were silent. Feeling the need to cry again but not wanting to seem weak infront of him. He was always so chill and relaxed even in high stake situations. He was always hard to read. But you? God you were easy to read. You panicked easily in high stake situations. You were the complete opposite and always showed your emotions.
He fully sat next to you and put his arm around you,pulling you into his side lightly.
He was silent.
You were too.
Not a single word was exchanged.
Until you decided to speak up.
"I've just... been dealing with alot okay. " you whispered.
He hummed,as if telling you to speak about it more. So you continued.
"I mean, all of this stress with work,family and everything it was just too much. I didn't want to talk to you about it because..." You stopped.
"Because?" He asked
"Because I didn't want to seem weak infront of you. It's weird I know but I just have this thing that if I 'admire' someone then I can't show my emotions around them or be myself because they'll end up hating me for who I am! And it's not like that came out from nowhere,my siblings hate me for it. I can't be myself at work because I'll be seen as unprofessional and it's happened before." You spilled out. He stayed silent,listening to you as you rambled on about everything. He didn't say anything just listened. And at the end he put your hair behind your ear,kissed you and told you that everything was okay and just because you show your emotions he'll still love you. You relaxed into his arms and stayed like that for a while.

Like I said at the beginning,it would be a bit out of character but I still hope you enjoyed. I also cried while writing this as I've been dealing with this kind of stuff for a while,but anyway I hope this was good and you guys enjoyed it! Please vote and/ or comment if you did! :)

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