𝙲𝙾𝙽𝙲𝙴𝚁𝚃 𝙿2- Kyūma Ginji

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A small continuation of Kyūmas first story😋 this is gonna be really short.

The next morning you were hanging out with the band,except Kyūma. Right now he was at the shop a few minutes away from where you guys were.

"Ah my head hurts so much" maki whined.
"Shouldn't have drunk so much then. Dumbass" uta laughed out in reply.
"Hey uta don't be mean!" You said.
"Than-" maki started but got cut off by you
"Not without me atleast" you smiled.
"Hey!" Maki whined once more.

You felt something tickle your neck and a pair of arms around your waist.
"Hey" Kyūma said as he yawned and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. You pushed him off.
"Hey! Is that anyway to treat your boyfriend!" He exclaimed and put his sunglasses on. It was sunny,but not enough for sunglasses.
"Boyfriend huh (Y/N)?~" shitara teased.
"He's not my boyfriend!" You shouted as your face got warmer.
"But what about last night?" He whined and pouted at you.
"Oooh what happened last night~" it was Goken teasing you now. Damn it.
"Nothing!" You shouted once more,hiding your face in your hands.
"So our kiss was nothing" Kyūma whined again. As a joke but you could see his ego was a little bit wounded.
"Kiss huh?~" Uta.
"KISS!?" Maki.
"Maki you owe me ¥1,229" Shitara.
"HA! I KNEW IT!" Goken.
"Fuck you kyuma" you whispered out as you finally let into the embarrassment.
"Love you too" he said as he wrapped his arms around you.

As told at the start,this was short. Very short. Hope you guys still liked it though! Please vote and/or comment to help get my book out there! :) Thank you for all the support everyone!!

𝙰𝙻𝙸𝙲𝙴 𝙸𝙽 𝙱𝙾𝚁𝙳𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙰𝙽𝙳-oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now