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Requested by @hisokaeya :) boom you're getting all the concepts in one story fluff🥳

You were sleeping peacefully under the warm duvet with your boyfriend. Until you felt something cold press against your legs,which woke you up. You sat up slightly,leaning on your elbows and looking around the dimly lit room,the only light being your salt lamp on the bedside table.
"Takeru?" You asked groggily but saw he was still asleep. You lifted up the duvet and looked at your legs to find his cold feet pressed against yours. you instantly felt the cold again and kicked his feet away slightly.

You took the duvet and pulled all of it towards you,waking up takeru as he felt the cold cover his body.
"Babe...?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes,you acted as if you were asleep and when he tried to pull the blanket back towards him you harshly pulled it away.
"Babe I'm cold and tired let me have some of the blanket" he said in his deep morning voice. You smiled and turned around to face him.
"No" you said,looking him in his eyes and smiling mischievously
"Babe come one" he tried to grab some of it but you pulled it away while you giggled slightly.
"Payback for you putting your cold ass feet on mine" you scoffed dramatically.
"Baby it was an accident please I'm tired" he said as he leaned closer to you and put his hand in yours. He then immediately pulled you towards him and trapped you in his arms
"No let me go" you laughed out as your voice was muffled and he could barely hear you. You pushed him away and covered yourself in the duvet again,making you look like a big navy caterpillar.
He pounced back on you and accidentally pushed both of you off the bed,luckily the fluffy duvet broke the fall. You both laughed until you finally decided to check the digital clock on your desk and saw that it was 4am. Your jaw dropped and you dragged takeru back to bed,still laughing a little from the earlier events. Eventually going back to sleep as you both cuddled,takeru still shoving his cold ass feet against you.

Yay another request! I love doing these they're so fun,I'm really sorry since this was quite short even with all the concepts and stuff but I hope you enjoyed this! I tried my best :) if you have requests you can either message me privately or comment on the requests and info page!! Thank you for reading,please vote and/or comment I hope you all have an amazing day :)

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