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It was 7PM and Imani and her mom had been waiting hours to get Luke checked. "Excuse me, ma'am, is there anyone available to see my son? I have been waiting hours. Literally."

The petite woman smiled sadly. "I'm sorry Miss but we have been having a really busy day, I promise that you won't have to wait that long anymore." Luke coughed again, this time so violently that both Imani and the nurse turned their attentions onto him. "Is this your son?" Imani nodded. "That cough sounds pretty bad."

"There was a fire at my house and.. And he's been coughing like that since. I don't-." She said hysterically, placing a hand on her forehead.

"If you would like to follow me, I can try and see if one of the doctors will see him. We currently don't have a lot of paediatrics on duty."

The nurse led them towards a corridor of rooms and she found an empty room. "If you wouldn't mind waiting here whilst I get her."

"No it's fine." Imani's mother whispered when her daughter stayed quiet. Her finger was still tight on the chain that lay on her chest. She had taken off the navy suit blazer she had put on for the interview and unbuttoned a few more buttons on her shirt. Her face was still twisted in worry and she seemed to be stuck in her thoughts the majority of the time.

"Mommy?" Luke said, tugging on her hand. "Will I still be able to go home and get my Tigger toy?" He asked hopefully, making Imani's eyes blur with tears. "Oh and that picture of you, me and grandma when we went to Disneyland?"

Her heart broke as she thought of all the items that were now gone. The photo albums, the letters from loved ones and the sentimental items that were almost invaluable.

"We'll see what we can do, honey." Her mother replied for her again. Vivica Forde was hurting seeing her daughter at such a low point in her life.

The doctor stepped in with a smile on her face. "Sorry for the wait. Is this your little boy?"

"Yes, yes." Imani finally said.

The doctor removed her stethoscope and placed it on Luke's chest after Vivica opened his shirt for easier access. "Now can you explain to me what happened?" The doctor looked at Imani since she was the mother but as she was still on shock, she didn't reply.

"There was a fire in their house and he must have inhaled a large amount of smoke or something because he keeps coughing and saying it hurts." The doctor nodded as she continued using the stethoscope. "I'm sorry Doctor, is it okay if my daughter and I step out for a second?"

"Yes it's fine."

Vivica took her daughter's hand and led her out. "Baby. Baby girl look at me." Imani raised her head, tear streaks staining her face. Her mother wiped them away. "This is not the end, you hear me?"

"How can one day go so wrong? First the interview, then the fire and now my baby is being checked out in the hospital? I can't do this anymore, ma."

"You can and you will. LJ needs his mom to be the strong figure for him. He's confused right now but when it all sinks in, he's going to need you." She pulled Imani in for a hug when she burst out into tears. Rubbing her back, she offered soothing words to her. "You can stay with me for as long as you like."

She held on tightly. "Thank you, ma."

Vivica pulled away and wiped the remaining tears off her face. "I want you to sit in the waiting room and wait until we're done-."

"No! I wanna be in there with LJ!" She protested.

"Baby girl, you are an emotional wreck right now. That is the last thing Luke needs to see. Just wait in the waiting room." Vivica kissed her daughter's forehead and re entered the room.

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