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As the space between them closed, Imani felt an irritation at the back of her throat. Suddenly that hot burning sensation was back and this time it wasn't because of the scotch.

Before she had the time to realise what was going on, her stomach started doing flips. She took a step back and suddenly spilled the contents of her stomach on the floor and all over Vincent's expensive shoes.

It took a while before Vincent realised what had just happened and his face contorted in disgust as she covered her mouth in shock. The foul smell clung in the air, killing what was once a romantic atmosphere. The two of them sobered up completely in a matter of seconds.

Imani felt absolutely embarrassed, the heat climbing up her body. "Vincent-." She began but he raised a hand, stopping any further discussion. She didn't know whether or not he was angry at her as he stood completely and utterly still.

"Go to the bathroom and get yourself cleaned up whilst I clean this mess and call Benjamin. You clearly aren't feeling well and need to go home." He said lowly, making her feel even more embarrassed. At that moment she wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow her whole. She hovered for a few seconds, wanting to apologise a million times. "Now." He said forcefully and she didn't think twice, leaving the room in a hurry.

She rushed up the stairs and into the bathroom where she placed both hands on the edge of the sink, sighing. Lifting her head, she stared at herself in the mirror as she threw water on her face. Embarrassed was now a word that wasn't even close to what she was feeling. She didn't want to face him again after what had happened.

One minute she was about to kiss him which was a crazy action within itself and the next minute she was throwing up all over him.

She had drank way too much. Kissing her boss was not on her list of things to do for that evening.

She freshened herself up and decided to wait for ten more minutes before returning to the office she was once in with Vincent. She knew that their near kiss could never happen again. Ever. As much as she wanted it to happen in that moment, the two of them kissing would complicate everything and she was not prepared for that.

She knocked on the door where she found him throwing away a bag filled with paper towels. His shoes were as clean as he could get them and the room smelt slightly better. He placed the now empty alcohol bottles back in the cabinet. She cleared her throat and he didn't even glance at her. "Vincent-." She tried again but he simply turned off the light and walked straight past her.

"Benjamin is outside, let's go."

Imani followed him out and they left without saying goodbye to any of the other guests.

Despite his lack of emotion towards her, he opened her door and made sure she was seated fine before going around and entering the back of the car himself.

They rode in silence and it was torture to Imani. She wanted nothing more than to apologise but her mind was also plagued with the truth that they were about to kiss which was a truth neither of them wanted to approach. Vincent was aware that they had gone a step too far but he thought nothing else of it. He was more angry at the fact that she had ruined a $2500 pair of shoes.

She cast him an apologetic look that he didn't see as he was typing away on his phone. She sighed and decided to look out of the window for the remainder of the journey. When the car came to a stop, Benjamin opened her door whilst Vincent stayed seated. "Vincent, what happened back in the office-."

"Benjamin, if you could stop at Marco's house before we go back to my house, it would be appreciated." She huffed and decided to go back inside. If he was going to ignore her then so be it but as far as she was concerned, she needed to apologise. She slammed the car door shut and retreated into her house as Benjamin drove her boss away.

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