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He had expected World War 3 when he arrived.

Having thought about his outburst and how he had completely flipped out on her, Vincent had expected the very worst from her. The moment he had seen her with his mother - whom she had never met - he instantly panicked. That panic turned to anger and quickly he lashed that anger out onto her.

Vincent didn't like having strangers around Lily-Ann. It made him uneasy.

He didn't trust people and so he didn't trust anyone around his mother.

Even if it looked as if his mom was enjoying their company. The way that she was talking to Imani it was as if they had known each other for years. As if they had been friends for a long time and she had been there for Lily-Ann the whole time.

Well, she hadn't.

The only person who could claim that they had was Vincent.

Ok, so maybe he shouldn't have yelled in front of all of those people and showed her up.

Listening to what she had to say would have been a smart idea and thinking before speaking would have helped. This was so unlike Vincent. Usually his actions and words were calculated, carefully orchestrated so that the situation would go his way. But as of late, his actions and words were irrational.

Especially when it came to Imani.

Think before you speak was well and truly forgotten about when he was around her. It was almost as if he lost his control when she was near. He couldn't control his actions nor could he control his words.

Instead of thinking about them, he just... Did.

That's what had happened in the hospital waiting room. He saw them together and just... Exploded.

And an explosion was exactly what he had expected to return home to.

She heard the key turn in the lock but she didn't move. She didn't flinch like she had when Vincent screamed in her face, she simply continued chopping up vegetables.

His heavy footsteps limped around the house for a little bit before she heard him stall in the doorway. She felt his presence more than anything. The hairs rising on the back of her neck was a clear indication that he was in the vicinity.

Imani's anger only flared up again when he stepped into the kitchen. With every slow, prolonged step using his crutches, she had to tighten the hold she had on her knife so that she wouldn't throw it at him.

When Vincent stopped walking, the only sound that could be heard was Imani's controlled breathing and the harsh sound of the knife slamming onto the chopping board with every slice.

He dragged out the chair directly opposite her and sat, hissing as his leg brushed against the leg of his chair. Despite her frusration, she couldn't help but throw a worried look in his direction to make sure he was alright.  

"You trying to break the chopping board?" He quipped, but his weak attempt at a joke only fueled her anger.

Imani hit the vegetables harder, the sound becoming louder.

His talking was distrating her from her breathing and her breathing was the only thing keeping the knife in her hands and not lodged in his shoulder.

The silence came over the two again as she forcefully threw the diced onions into a bowl. Slamming a pepper on the board, she contiued to chop and slice, not bothering to throw a glance in his direction.

He let out a deep sigh, leaning his elbows on the surface in front of him. 

Imani didn't have to look at his face to know that he was staring at her. 

"You're angry."

No shit, Sherlock. She thought - but she said nothing. 

"So - is it the silent treatment?" He continued and she cut her eyes at him. Even Vincent had to admit that the glare she gave him had him slightly wanting to reel back. 

He should've been glad that all he was currently getting was the silent treatment. For the way he had treated her, he deserved a severe tongue lashing and a cheek reddening slap. But so as to keep her job, the silent treatment would have to do.

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