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"Pellegrino." Imani panted as she ran up to the desk. 

As angry as she was at her boss, she had to admit that she was scared to death when she heard that he was in hospital. Her big heart wouldn't have let her not show up to see him. So there she was in the hospital lobby with her wet hair in a high bun and a pair of UGG boots on her feet. 20 minutes ago, she had received the call from Marco and now she was there, having taken a taxi straight to the destination.

"Is that Vincent or Lily-Ann, darling?" Imani tilted her head in confusion then it dawned on her that that was Vincent's mother. She had almost forgotten that he came to visit her every evening.

So distracted by her thoughts she forgot to reply. "Vincent, please."

The nurse directed her to the correct room and she hurriedly raced there. When she opened the door, she let out a breath she wasn't aware that she had been holding. She had prepared herself for the worst and expected to see him with bandages around his head and tubes connected to every orifice in his body but that wasn't what she saw. 

Vincent turned towards the door and was shocked to see his assistant. His assistant that had yelled and screamed at him an hour earlier. 

He let his eyes lazily roam her and Imani suddenly felt conscious about her choice of outfit, blushing under his scrutiny.

"Thank God you're alright." She said, closing the door and walking towards his bed. She gently traced the cast on his left leg that was suspended in the air. "When I got the call, I expected to see you all bloody and wrapped up."

Marco was in the corner of his room snickering. "He broke his leg and hurt the side of his torso after slipping on a drain." 

Vincent glared at his talkative cousin. "What were you doing for that to happen?" She asked and he sent Marco a look that told him not to say anything else.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you angry at me?" He asked, making her roll her eyes. 

The doctor entered the room at that moment and Imani backed away from the bed, joining Marco in the corner. "I am still angry at you, but I'm a normal human being who actually has a heart and that's why I am here." 

The doctor looked between the two and chuckled. "Lover's tiff?" 

"No." Imani and Vincent said simultaneously. 

Marco smirked at the two. "Not yet anyway." He muttered under his breath so that no one could hear him. "So doctor, is he allowed out today?"

The man, who had horn-rimmed glasses, looked at the papers attached to the clipboard in his hands. "No, not today. Perhaps in a few days after we are sure that he'll be okay and we run more tests to be sure that he didn't bruise any ribs."

Vincent's eyes widened as he stood up immediately. "A few days?! That's not possible doctor, I have a company to run and I have to-."

"You don't even like running that company." Marco replied. 

Imani raised her eyebrows in surprise. "You don't?" 

"I'm sure a few days will not affect a lot, Mr Pellegrino. You need to take it easy. What were you thinking running out into the streets during a storm?" He asked.

Marco looked on, bemused and waiting for his cousin's answer. "I was going out for a jog."

The doctor shook his head and wrote some things down. "Have you thought about who is going to look after you during your recovery period?" He questioned. "We offer professional live in nurses if that's what you want."

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