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The moan escaped from her throat as her body arched off the bed. Two large hands slid up her legs, lightly squeezing her thighs. Light and almost featherlike kisses were planted on her outer thigh, moving into her inner thigh. 

Her eyes fluttered shut as Vincent grabbed her legs, his nails digging into the skin. The slight pinch felt good. 

"Vincent please." She breathed, her breaths becoming shallower as his perfect mouth neared the one place she wanted him the most. 

"Patience, amore mio." He rasped, smirking against her skin. With a lick of his lips, he reached for her the lace material that seperated him from her treasure. Dragging them down with an achingly slow pace that was driving Imani crazy, he inwardly groaned as she lay before him completely bared. 

Vincent threw the panties to the side, not caring much about where they landed. "You smell amazing." He complimented after inhaling lightly. Imani couldn't help but blush. "I wonder whether you taste the same." The moment he dipped his head, she fisted the bedsheets, holding on for dear life.


Imani's eyes snapped open at the sound that had dragged her out of her erotic dream. It took her a while to realise that she was panting and that her back had arched off the bed. She turned towards her son, who was standing at the door with a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay?"

With the bedsheets still tight in her hands, Imani tried to get her breath back. "Yes, honey, I'm fine. I, uh, are you okay?"

Luke Junior nodded. "The loud bell went off so I could go to school." He said rubbing his eyes.

"O-Okay sweetie, uh, give mommy a minute and I'll come and get you washed up and ready to go." The little boy nodded again, shutting her door and she let out a deep sigh. Her legs were tightly closed, so as to try and control the tingle she felt inbetween her thighs.

The dream had seemed so lifelike. As if Vincent was there with her doing those things to her and making her feel that way. 

She still flt hot and bothered because of the heated kiss that they had shared. The feeling of his hands all over whilst his tongue worked its way into her mouth, coaxing out moans from her at every stroke. 

Imani closed her eyes, trying to shake away the thoughts from her mind. At the end of the day - he was her boss.

Her boss who knew how to use his tongue extremely well.

She pushed the covers away from her body and ran a hand through her dishevelled hair. 

As much as she had enjoyed every second of their encounter, it was unethical. Since when did unethical feel so good? She thought, huffing in frustration. 

On the other side of the spacious house, Vincent lay in bed. His hands were behind his head as his mind wandered.

Wandered towards the woman whose body he had had trapped underneath his, the sounds she elicited hardening him instantly. 

He remembered when he told her that he 'doubted she would be able to make him breathless' and yet he also remembered how hard he had been panting after their kiss was broken. What was it about her that had made his reaction so... intense?

Maybe it was the way her tongue fit around his. The way that not only their mouths but their bodies molded together perfectly - it was almost as if they had been crafted for each other. 

Or maybe it was the way she had responded. She didn't back away or hesitate. She had instead enticed him with those dainty fingers of hers, leaving a blazing trail at every area of flesh that she touched. 

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