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The rain slowly descended the window pane, droplets racing down to the bottom. The sky was grey and the clouds were dark, a clear sign of the impending storm. The rain fell hard, dampening the pavements and creating a very gloomy atmosphere.

The whole sight was soothing to Vincent. He stared out of the window in his home office. Today, he was working at home and he enjoyed being able to work whilst it was pouring down with rain outside. When he was at home, he didn't bother with the formalities of wearing a suit, he dressed comfortably although he still wore his favourite colour: black.

Imani would usually work beside him at his home office on the days that he worked at home but he was still waiting her arrival.

"Vincent, do you have like a list with all of your employees' contact details?" Marco asked, entering the room suddenly and ruining the serene environment that Vincent was working in.

He frowned and turned to face his cousin. "Why?" Marco grinned and Vincent instantly knew why he needed the information. "You are not touching any more of my employees, Marco."

The curly haired man chuckled as he walked around the room. "Relax. But you have to make your assistant an exception to that demand." At the mention of the mocha skinned beauty, Vincent raised his head, now completely aware of what his cousin was saying. "That girl is gorgeous. Vincent, I stopped at the office the other day and those pants that she had on..." He trailed off, shutting his eyes and shaking his head. Vincent's frown deepened as he listened, an unknown feeling spreading over him.

He didn't recognise what he was feeling. It definitely wasn't jealousy but it was pissing him off greatly hearing his cousin speak about Imani in that way. "And the thing about her is; she's respectable." He paused as if in thought. "Maybe I should be spending time trying to get her instead of her friend Melisa."

Vincent slammed his laptop shut, making Marco jump. The look in his eyes made Marco stop talking completely. "You will not try anything with Imani." He said slowly, the possessive look in his eyes leaving no room for argument. He instantly realised how bad his demand sounded and the implications it brought forward. "Because she is very busy and needs to focus."

Marco's smile slowly returned as he folded his arms. "Looks like somebody's warmed up to another human being."

Vincent raised a single eyebrow at him. "Pardon?"

"You like her. Admit it." He said, making his cousin sputter. "Not in that way, come on, we're grown men. I mean you're used to her company now to the point where you like her."

He shook his head and stood. "Tolerate her is a better statement." The two men left the study and headed downstairs towards the kitchen.

Marco scoffed. "Yeah of course. But what was that back there? Why did you suddenly get all angry when I mentioned trying it on with her?" For the first time, Vincent had no answer. He himself had no idea why he had reacted that way but when he heard Marco speak about her in that way, something inside of him snapped.

He didn't understand. As far as he was concerned, he wasn't attracted to her. He didn't want her and he didn't even properly like her. "Come on, Vincent, don't tell me you haven't noticed how gorgeous she is?" He rolled his eyes in response. He had realised she was good looking but he didn't feel that attraction to her. "If you say you haven't then you're a liar. Everybody in the whole damn building has noticed." He said, making that same possessive expression return to Vincent's face. "Especially that Stanley kid that does the mail. He's really been getting close to her lately." Marco looked down and laughed. "Woah there, Mr Possessive, you hold onto that glass any tighter and it will break."

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