Twenty One

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"Do you really have a kid or were you just joking around?"

Imani gave Graham a sidelong glare, her palms itching to feel the skin on his cheek. "Yes, Graham, I do have a child." She said slowly through clenched teeth as she tried to hold on to whatever patience she had left.

"Oh." As they reached a red light, he looked over at her appreciatively. "You look amazing, I would have never guessed." She didn't reply, instead choosing to stare at the traffic that was piling up on the road. "You really do put the term MILF into-."

"Let's just focus on driving me home, okay?" Imani suggested, disgusted at his comment.

For the rest of the time that she was stuck in the car with him, she tried extremely hard to block out his voice when he tried to badger her with conversation. As soon as she saw his mouth open, she would tune him out. Unfortunately for her - he just didn't stop talking.

Over and over again, his lips parted and vulgar words flew out.

The nearer they got to the house, the more she was getting sick of hearing the foreign language.

She didn't remember the journey to Vincent's house being this long. Why was time dragging on?

With one hand rubbing her temple, she counted back from 100 in her head.

"Sixty-five, sixty-four, sixty-." Imani paused when she saw Vincent out front, standing in the doorway with a deep frown marring his features. "Uh-oh."

The moment Vincent saw Graham's flashy cherry red car pull up into the driveway, his scowl deepened. His fist clenched beside him as he watched his father's sister's son leave the car, check his reflection in the window and move to open Imani's door.

'That's my girl,' Vincent thought when he saw her get out of the car on her own, not even waiting for him to get around the pricey vehicle.

His eyes narrowed as Graham reached for Imani's arm, pulling her back towards his body and bending down to whisper in her ear. She rolled her eyes before prying his hands off her arm and shaking her head.

The moment Graham leaned towards her cheek with his lips puckered, Vincent decided he had seen enough. Ignoring the fact that he had left his crutches inside, he walked over to the pair and tapped his cousin on his shoulder.

"Vincent, mio cugino!"

Opening his arms for a hug, Graham's face fell slightly when Vincent pushed his arms away using his hands. "Thank you for getting Imani home safely, you can go home now." He said through his teeth, trying to be polite and not rip his arms off.

"Ah, but I have a question to-."

"You can go home. Now." Imani could see the anger radiating off Vincent's body. He was composed but she could tell that his mind was going a mile a minute.

Graham, not sensing his irritation, shrugged off Vincent's hands and turned towards Imani again. "I wanted to ask you, bella, how would you like to share dinner with me?" He offered, sliding his hands in his pockets and smiling at her. "You are a woman who deserves to be wined and dined. You could leave your child at home and-."

"Okay, I've heard enough!" Imani jumped in, saving Vincent from having to physically move him from his property. "Vincent - go inside before you murder someone."

"No, I think I'm fine-."

"Inside! Now."

Vincent wanted to argue with Imani but he decided to back off, realising she was right. If he stayed there any longer, Graham wouldn't be leaving with his life. Casting one last glare at sleaze, he retreated into the house.

"Graham, I want you to listen to me." She began, gaining his full attention. "I have a son. I have big feet for my size. I've got some stretch marks on my thighs," she ranted, "and sometimes the hair I wear on my head isn't mine."

"What has that got to do with anything?"

"You pulled a face and flinched after every statement that I made. You're a pig, Graham. And I would rather not spend the evening in front of you whilst you judged me inside that egotistical head of yours and treated me like a piece of meat."

When he advanced towards her, she raised an eyebrow in warning. "Perhaps I should be leaving then if that is how you feel, Imani. It was a pleasure to meet you." She allowed him to take her hand and put it to his lips. "Please also tell my cousin that eavesdropping is very rude." Graham said, pointing to the window beside the door. Just as she turned around, she saw the curtain twitch.

"Will do. Thanks for the ride." Imani replied to be polite. She stood back and watched him get in his car, driving off at a dangerous speed. Walking into the house, she saw the back of Vincent as he walked away from his position by the window.

She shut the door and smiled at him knowingly. "Are you calm now?"

Vincent turned and she took in how effortlessly gorgeous he looked. She had seen him earlier on in the day but hadn't focused too much on him, too occupied in her work. Did the man own anything that wasn't black? He wore black sweats, a black tee and he had thrown on a black speckled cardigan that could barely contain his arms. "You saved his life. I was ready to do some serious damage." He threatened.

"Why? What's he done to you?" She inquired curiously.

She could see the raw possession in his eyes as he kept his gaze on her. "I don't like people touching what isn't theirs."

"Oh, so I'm your property now?" She challenged, walking up to him. Vincent looked down at her, not at all intimidated by the woman in front of him. Her confidence excited him and he admired her for it. Not many were brave enough to challenge him.

"Not property. But you are mine, Imani. I thought that was pretty clear."

"Clear? The only thing that I'm clear about when it comes to you is that you don't like giving me answers." She went straight past him, headed for the living room.

He was hot on her heels.


She could feel his warm body directly behind her.

"You're still hung up over me giving you answers?" She swung around, bumping right into him and he steadied her with his arms.

"Yes! Mixed signals aren't my thing. I don't care for them much." She exclaimed, putting her hands on his biceps and triyng to push him away. "Can you please let me go?"

Vincent smirked at her. "Say you forgive me and I'll give you answers."

She didn't hesitate to answer and say, "I forgive you, damn!" Imani waited expectantly for him to give him the answers she so seeked. With his silence fueling her annoyance, she snapped. "Give me the answers I want! Vincent - I just want to know whether it's right for me to be feeling the way that I am. I want to know whether I should get my hopes up or not." Imani continued, trying to step out of his hold only to have him tighten his grasp.

He pushed a piece of hair away from her face and cupped her cheek. "Imani." He said. "Imani, Imani, mio dolce, Imani." He pressed his lips to her jaw and she shivered. "Ti penso ogni giorno." Imani was pratically jelly in his arms as he spoke. "Il tuo sorriso. La tua risata. The way you tie your hair up whenver you're angry or annoyed."

"English please."

He cracked a smile at her. "I said that I think about you everyday. Your smile. Your laugh. The way you tie-."

"Yeah, I got the last part, stupido."

Vincent chuckled, letting his hands rest on her waist. "Is that the only Italian word you know?" He joked and she popped him on the shoulder lightly. "Don't worry, I can teach you."

"So we are..." She trailed off, hoping he would fill in the blanks.

"From the day you walked into my father's office and stood up to me, you've had me hooked - whether I cared to admit it or not." Vincent commented, voicing thoughts that had been running through his mind for the past few days.

The moment he had seen her with Graham and watched him touch her, everything had been put in perspective for him. He was extremely possessive over her. No one else could have her because he wanted her. In every single way he wanted Imani.

As his woman, as his lover and as his other half.

He wanted to be the first face she saw in the morning and the last before she went to sleep.

The same way that she was his first thought when he woke up and his last thought late at night.

"You're mine, bella and I don't plan on letting you go for awhile." She stared longingly into his eyes - his answer was worth the wait. She wasn't able to wipe the smile off her face. "Satisfied?"

Nodding, Imani grabbed him by the collar his cardigan, pulled him down and slanted her lips over his. Teasingly, she nipped at his tongue with her teeth when her mouth opened up for him. One of Vincent's hands moved up to her hair, fisting the black locks in his hand and pushing her closer.

As they kissed, Imani felt all the little feelings she got when she was around Vincent all at once. Those butterflies, the flutter of the heart and the sparks all merged into one at the feel of his lips caressing hers.

It didn't take long for the slow and passionate kiss to progress into a hot and heavy exchange.

Their hands frantically moved across the other's body.

Imani pushing his cardigan off his shoulders and pulling his top over his head.

Her sensual moans were driving him insane.

He dragged his mouth down the column of her throat. "What are you doing to me, Imani?"

"I'm going for death by seduction." She joked, her laughter dying down when his mouth found the valley of her breasts. He had managed to unbutton the shirt she wore until her lacy purple bra was exposed. Vincent took more interest in the tantalising mocha flesh that was revealed.

His fingers burnt her skin as he held onto her waist, pushing them backwards until they fell onto the sofa. He landed on top of her and as she leaned up, missing the taste of his lips, he winced and hissed. The way he had positioned himself was doing no favors for his bad leg.

Before she could ask him if he was okay, his mouth was on hers again. "It's fine." He reassured her as his large calloused hand trailed the soft bare skin. Lower and lower his hands went until they reached the top of her skirt.

"Vincent w-wait," She panted. "Your leg." He ignored her and continued to tease her with kisses around her breasts. "Vincent, stop. You might hurt yourself."

When he moved his lips towards her ear, his sensual white musky smell put her in a lust filled haze. "I am going to do what I want with you and you will lay there and take it." He ripped her skirt off her legs, and moved inbetween her thighs, pulling the smooth pins around his waist. "Tu capisci?" His thick fingers found her sensitive nub and she inhaled sharply. "Do you understand?" He questioned forcefully as he drove two digits into her.

"Yes!" She cried out, reaching for his broad shoulders.

She held on for dear life as he continued to assault her body, thrusting his fingers and making her anticipate the moment she would have him fully. She threw her head back as Vincent latched his hot mouth on her nipple, his tongue swirling around the hardened pebble.

Her breathing was uncontrolled as he took her higher and higher.

"Vincent." She purred, her hands combing through his hair.

He lifted his head, hovering above her. "That's right. Dire il mio nome, Imani." Imani released a guttural moan when his thumb flicked her clit. "Say my name." Vincent ordered, moving his hips so that she could feel his hardened member. He groaned when she continued to comply to his order.

Two syllables had never sounded so sexy to him.

"Tell me what you want, Imani." Feeling her climax nearing, she could barely think straight let alone reply. "Do you want me to make you cum?" He asked bluntly and she nodded. "You've got to say it, mio dolce. Let me hear the word come out of your mouth."

"Please Vincent!"

After hearing her pleading with him, those fingers plunged in and out of her, wreaking havoc on Imani's senses. Her hands left his hair and reached for the couch behind her. Her fingers dug into the fabric as his dug into her body. She couldn't take it any longer. As he quickened his pace, she felt that all familiar tingle and her moaning stopped - now replaced by pants.

The second he pinched her nub, she fell apart. Her orgasm tore through her and she moaned his name loudly as her hips bucked forward.

Vincent watched every second, still pushing into her as she rode out her climax. He had never witnessed anything as arousing as seeing her come undone beneath him. She was lost in her own world, her limbs unable to control the current that shot through her as her body trembled. Those perfect lips swollen from his rough kisses and her hair tousled.

He could get used to seeing that sight everyday.

Coming down from her high, she finally stopped moving and tried to get her breath back.

Opening her eyes, she found Vincent staring at her - eyes blazing with passion. Although he had satisfied her, she wanted more. And if the large tent in his sweatpants was any indication, so did he.

Imani reached for the waistband of his sweats but he grabbed her hand, stopping her actions. She looked at him in confusion and he hoisted her up and into his lap. He moved so that he was seated and was careful not to put any pressure on his leg.

"When I do take you for the first time, I don't want it to be on the sofa." Vincent said.

Imani moved her hips on top of him and he growled, the heat of her core almost making him want to change his mind. "I don't mind Vincent, I just want you."

He placed a firm hand on her upper thigh and she stopped her movement. "I also don't want it to be rushed. LJ finishes school in ten minutes and I believe-."

"I'm picking him up today." She finished, letting her head fall into the crook of his neck. She let his scent envelope her, wanting to stay in his embrace for as long as she could. "You're coming with me." Imani stated, leaving no room for an argument.

"And why would I do that?" Vincent asked, stroking up and down her back lazily.

She sighed as she pulled back and faced him. "Because he adores you and we're getting ice cream." After putting it like that, he couldn't refuse the offer and agreed to accompany them. "I should get dressed." Imani moved off his lap and stood on shaky legs, scrambling to put her clothes back on. She blushed when she found him staring at her as she fixed her bra. "What?"

"Sei bella."

"I got that one." She cheesed as she buttoned her shirt. Vincent chuckled at her goofy smile and stood up. He placed a chaste kiss on her lips before limping towards the hallway. "Where are you going? We need to leave."

"I'm taking a very very cold shower. I don't think this is any way to leave the house, Imani." Her eyes travelled down to the generous bulge in his pants.

No one else deserved to see that but her.

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