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"How do you feel about double dates?"

With a scowl towards Marco, Vincent sucked his teeth. "After that last one you sent me on with that Danielle woman's friend? No, I'm not doing it again."

He rolled his eyes as he watched his cousin struggle to stand from his spot on the sofa. He didn't even try to help. "Come on, Vincy." He pleaded. "I think I actually like this girl - I can tell she's a damn handful already."

"You don't need me there. I don't want to be there."

Vincent leaned down to grab his crutches and limped out of the room. "Melisa said she wants Imani there so I just thought the best person to invite would be you. It's fine.. If you don't want to go, I can always ask somebody else to be Imani's date." Marco said slyly, knowing the exact outcome of his words. As expected - his cousin froze before slowly turning towards him.

"Perhaps I can make this date. When is it?"

A grin slowly spread across Marco's face. "Tomorrow night. To be honest, Vince, you don't have to go. I don't mind giving dear old Graham a call and asking him to-."

"I'll be there." He ground out firmly.

Everybody and their grandma knew that Graham Thicke was a dog. Worse than Marco and that in itself spoke volumes. He was the biggest sleaze that everyone on the Vincent's dad's side knew. He had inherited the family looks, build and charm and he used the Italian language to his advantage. Any chance that boy had to whip out the Italian, he used it - charming clients and dropping panties in the process.

"You sure? It won't take much for me to just reach for my-."

"Dial his number and I won't hesitate to throttle you, dear cousin."

Marco's smile widened. "Well then I guess we got a double date!"

CRASH! As soon as she heard it, she jolted up, nearly waking up Luke who was asleep in her arms. Straight after getting home from school, the 6 year old had played out in the basketball court all day with Marco. He had taken an instant liking to the curly haired male and the two had played out there for hours, with Vincent watching them from the side.

She checked the time and saw that it was only 8pm - what could have caused that noise? Marco had left a few hours ago, saying that he had "business" to take care of so he definitely wasn't the source.

She moved carefully and set LJ aside, wrapping him up in the blanket before going to find out what the noise was. "Mommy, where are you going?" LJ said groggily, his innocent voice making her pause.

"Just to get some water, honey, go back to sleep."

He sat up and hopped off the sofa, grabbing her hand after he caught up to her. "I want some water too." She hoisted him up into her arms as they investigated the noise. "What was that loud noise?"

"You heard it too? I don't know, that's what I want to go and see." She replied as she walked around the house.

There was another crash and she jumped in fright. LJ buried his face in her neck and held onto her top tightly. It sounded as if the noise was coming from upstairs so she slowly and cautiously made her way to the first floor of the house.

The crashing continued and she feared for Vincent - knowing that whatever was happening, he was involved. She let her son down. "Baby, let mommy go find out what the noise was - you go and get ready for your bath okay?" LJ nodded and ran to his room.

Imani realised that the noise was coming from Vincent's office and so she steadily made her way over to the room, pushing it open with caution so as not to have a repeat of last time. When she opened the door fully, she saw a complete mess laying on the floor. Papers and folders strewn everywhere, shattered ornaments and a very angry man standing in the middle of it all.

The whole situation just screamed: APPROACH WITH CAUTION.

"Vincent, is everything okay?" She asked, making her presence known.

He threw a glance at her and she could see the blazing fury in his eyes. The vein bulging from his neck and the uncontrolled rise and fall of his chest. His cast was still on his leg but his crutches were apart of the debris that made up the office. "Vincent?" She said quietly, taking a cautious step into the room.

"What happened?" She probed further as she saw him visibly calm down. When he took in the state of the room - what he had done - he cursed. "It's fine, I'll clean that." Imani offered and he sat down on the desk behind him, holding his head in his hands. She sat beside him, the currents flying throughout her body when their thighs touched. Vincent didn't reply and Imani got the hint. "I need to go give LJ a bath. I'll be back." He didn't answer her and she left swiftly.

After avoiding LJ's questions and getting him quietly into bed and asleep, Imani made her way back into the office where she found Vincent seated on the floor - the room slightly cleaner than before.

As before, she didn't hesitate to join him, being mindful of his leg as she sat. "I'm not going to pressure you into talking. I just want you to know that some situations are better shared than bottled inside." The statement hung in the air for a while before there was an answer.

"The doctors are saying my mother's health is getting worse." He replied so quietly that she had to strain to hear him.

"Oh, Vincent..." Without thinking twice, she rested her head on his shoulder and threw an arm around him in a sort of hug.

He inadvertently stroked her arm as he stared straight ahead. "Whilst all this is going on the only thing Giovanni can think of is the new partnership with Brown&Baker. What kind of bullshit is that?" She could feel him tense and get angry all over again. "The woman who bore your child and dealt with your shit for over 25 years is nearly dead and all he can think about is that damn partnership."

"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe he is hurting but he just doesn't want to show it. Especially in front of you?"

He snorted. "What reason does he have not to show his emotions in front of me?"

"If your father suddenly broke down crying in front of your mom with you in the room what would be your first thought?"

"He's faking it to make it seem as if he cares... which he doesn't." He said bluntly without any hesitation.

She retracted her arm and sighed, keeping her head on his shoulder and getting more comfortable. Imani was still slightly tired from her nap. "See, that's what I mean. If that's the hostility he'll have to face if he shows his emotions in front of you - he's less likely to do it."

Knowing that she was right, he rolled his eyes. "Giovanni is many things-."

"And your father is one of them." He shook his head adamantly. "At the end of the day - whether you like it or not, Giovanni is your father, Vincent and I am sure that he has a reason for focusing so much on the Brown&Baker partnership."

"Of course he has a reason. He doesn't care for anyone but himself. His needs in front of everybody else's." She shook her head, realising that whatever problem Vincent had with his father was deep rooted. Further than she had initially thought.

Imani yawned, covering her mouth as she did so. "I understand that's what you think but how do you think your mom feels knowing that the two of you are so distant from each other? I'm sure she wants you to be closer."

He scoffed, not understanding her point. "Why would she want that? He impregnated his assistant whilst married to her."

"True..." She stifled another yawn. "But if she goes - then who will you have?" Imani mentioned, her voice growing weaker as she began to lose her battle with sleep. "I think she wants you to to be civil. So that you at least... At least have... some.. one."

"When she dies?" He replied with an twinge of hurt in his voice.

Instead of an answer, she nodded - her body going slightly limp as she drifted into a slumber. When her breathing evened out, Vincent knew that she had fallen asleep. With the weight of Imani on his arm and his bad leg, he tried to move so that they could both be comfortable. The only thing it resulted in was a sharp pain ripping through his leg.

Despite the pain, he couldn't help but notice how good she felt next to him, leaning against him - in the same space. He lifted his arm and wrapped it around her, watching as she fell deeper into his embrace, her face burying into his neck and one arm settling back around his chest.

His eyes began to feel heavy as he too grew tired. The anger he felt gradually decreased as Imani slept in his arms and he slipped into a slumber.

The steady thump was a lullaby to Imani, the surface she was laying on giving her warmth and comfort. She felt as if she was almost encased in the heat. The source smelt good... Extremely good. With a light inhale, she sighed. Extremely good.

Peeling an eye back, she was met with the familiar surroundings of the upstairs office. Upon blinking a few times, it suddenly dawned on Imani where she was and who she was with. As she tilted her head up, her lips brushed against golden skin. Vincent's hold on her tightened at the connection.

She had to get up. Get up and out. Imani knew she had to but she didn't want to.

She stared up at him - at his perfectly placed features as he slept peacefully. Imani was aware that LJ would be waking up soon and she would need to get him ready for school.

"Vincent." She whispered and he stirred in his sleep, groaning slightly.

Oh God, control yourself, Imani.

In an attempt to get out of his tight hold, she twisted and turned, her body rubbing against his. She was surprised when she looked down and saw a pair of dark eyes watching her intently. Imani visibly gulped.

He didn't speak. Simply stared at her; doing that thing with his eyes that made Imani feel as if he was burning through her skin. "I need to get up." After finally finding her voice, she spoke.

"Of course." He reluctantly let her go and she shot up, stretching as she did so. Vincent tried to follow her and after a few attempts, he stood up, leaning on his good leg.

"I should go and-."


Imani gave him a nod and a small smile before racing out of the room as quickly as she could. Good God she would have to learn to control herself around him. She couldn't keep dealing with her jumpy nerves and a speeding heart every time they touched or he was near.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she read the message from Melisa: Don't forget - double date tonight! x

Rolling her eyes, she stuffed her phone back into her back pocket, remembering that she had agreed to join Melisa and Marco on their date. Luckily for her, LJ was spending the night at her mother's so she would be okay going out late at night. The only problem that remained was looking after Vincent. Now that she was his nurse - she had to stay near him often to make sure he didn't get hurt.

Knocking on her son's door lightly, she smiled as she saw that he was already up. "Mom, did you find out what that noise was?" She nodded as he jumped out of the king size bed which was more than enough for a boy of his size. "Did you handle it? I could've done it you know!"

Imani raised her eyebrows. "Yeah, I handled it and I'm sure you could have but for now what you need to do-" She picked him up, throwing him over her shoulder as he squealed. "Is to go and take a bath!"

With him in her arms, she turned, headed for the bathroom. "Vincent! Vincent help me! She wants to make me bath!" He protested when he spotted the dark headed beauty walking out with his crutches. The sides of his mouth flipped up into a smile.

"Nobody can save you now, baby boy!" She joked.

"Vincent! Help me! Don't let her do this!" LJ yelled as the adults laughed.

Vincent shrugged his shoulders innocently. "I wish I could but my leg, buddy."

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