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Imani sighed in content as the warm coffee slid down her throat. It was her first day and yet she had been so busy that she hadn't been able to take a break or have something to eat/drink.

"Oh, hey, you're the new girl, right?"

Imani looked at the tall, slim female that approached her. She had flawless caramel skin and dark, short spiky hair. She nodded. "Imani Forde."

"Melisa Wright." The two women shook hands and smiled at each other. "So what's it like working right next to the devil?" She joked. Imani groaned. "That bad, huh?"

Imani seemed to be doing most of the work and yet Vincent would take all the credit. She was having to remind him of every single thing that needed doing and completing those things herself only for him to use it as his own.

Although she managed to hold her own when he insulted her or had his rude outbursts, there were many moments where she wanted to throttle him.

"No, it's... it's interesting, let's put it that way." She replied and the two women laughed. "How long have you been working here?"

Melisa leaned on the counter. "Nearing 8 years. I started when I was 22. Fresh out of college."

"Oh. Was the company any different from what it is now or...?"

Melisa shook her head. "Uh nope. It's always been an amazing company. If you mean Vincent then yeah, he's always been a little asshole." After realising what she said, she covered her mouth.

"Don't worry, I won't tell him. Besides, I've called him way worse in my head."

"We are going to get along extremely well, Imani!" Melisa stated, high fiving her as they chuckled.

Imani jumped as a stack of papers was dropped onto her desk, making her jump. She looked up at the person who had placed them there. "What's this?"

"Your work." The handsome dark haired Italian said casually. "What else do you think it is?"

She took a deep breath before picking up the sheet of paper on top, then the one underneath and the rest below. "Hold on, these papers are from different companies. Accounts that we've had." She kept looking through the papers. "Some of these date back to two years ago. Why aren't they in files?"

Vincent raised an eyebrow. "You tell me. Why aren't they in files?"

"I don't know. You've just came and handed them to me."

"Well then get them into files. Thank you." He tapped her desk as he walked away and she grunted. Her shift was nearly supposed to be over. All she wanted to do was go home and watch a movie with her mother and LJ, falling asleep on the sofa with him in her arms.

"Breathe Imani. Don't choke him. Just breathe. He's not even worth it." She reiterated to herself, taking slow and calming breaths. As soon as she started to sort the papers according to company and in date order, her boss walked out of his office.

His chiselled features were frowning as he looked at his phone and put his black trench coat on. "Where are you going?"

"None of your business." Imani stood up and planted herself directly in front of him, preventing him from going any further. Standing this close to him, she only now realised just how tall he was. Even in her heels, she still had to look up to him. Vincent, quite amused at her confidence, smirked and looked down at the petite woman in front of him.

"You are not going anywhere until you not only tell me where you're going but help me with some of these papers. You must be forgetting that this is my first day here! As much as I don't want it, your help is needed in getting some contact details of some of these companies."

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