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A huge smile made its way onto Imani's face as she heard her son come through the door. It was 3:30pm and she had been waiting for him to come home since she left the hospital. 

He ran into the living room and when he spotted his mother sitting on the edge of the sofa, he yelled in excitement and jumped on her. She fell backwards onto the chair with him still in her arms as her mother walked into the room. 

"Honey, why are you back so early?" Vivica asked, surprised to see her daughter home at that time. Usually, she returned home quite late on a weekday. 

Imani sat up straight with Luke on her lap. "Uhm... I've been suspended for a week." She said and Vivica's jaw dropped. 

She hesitated for a while, not sure how to reply. "LJ, honey, why don't you go upstairs and prepare your bag for tomorrow?" The youngster nodded and raced up the stairs, leaving mother and daughter in the living room. "Suspended? Imani, what in the world happened?!"

"Vincent was being... Vincent." She replied, standing up and heading to the kitchen. "I admit I shouldn't have reacted in the way I did but the man knows how to push my buttons. He knew what he was doing. Control freak." She mumbled the last part to herself.

"And so you've been suspended? With or without pay."

Imani looked down. "Without."

Vivica placed a hand on her forehead and sighed heavily. "Is there any way you could try and talk him out of this suspension? I'm sure you don't deserve it and a week without pay is not good for any of us."

"I was at the hospital earlier with him and I realised perhaps the suspension is needed. I'm hardly home and I'm hardly relaxed. I understand it's a week without pay but for what he's paying me, we probably won't even notice." Imani stated.

She also knew that the week was needed so that her sudden attraction to him could cool down. She didn't like how everytime they touched, she would blush and the fact that she found herself staring at him at random times.


"Uh, yeah. He broke his leg after he tried to run after me." Vivica raised her eyebrows and she smirked. "It's not what you think, ma." Her mother raised her hands in defence. "I walked out into the rain after he suspended me and because there was a storm he chased after me to try and get me to come back. That's it." 

When Vivica repeated her actions from before, unconvinced at what her daughter was saying, Imani rolled her eyes. "Mama, that is all that there is to it!"

"Oh, I'm sure honey, I'm sure." She replied as she left her daughter on her own in the kitchen.

Imani looked outside and saw the horrible storm. She felt a pang of guilt when she thought about how Vincent had gone out into that storm just to try and save her. It was a heroic act but he was still an idiot for what he had said about her. 

She closed the curtains and headed for the stairs, ready to begin her week off doing the thing she loved the most - sleeping.

A few days later, Vincent was preparing to finally leave the hospital and get back home. He had signed out and already gone through the paperwork to leave. All that remained was for him to actually get up and go home.

However, a live in nurse had still not been organised and so he would have to look after himself for the six week recovery period. 

A live in nurse wasn't what plagued his mind 24/7, though. It was a certain 5 ft 5 brown skinned beauty with gorgeous thick hair and a pair of shapely legs. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get her to escape his mind. 

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