Twenty Two

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When Vincent reached down to hold her hand, Imani was quite surprised. She had never pegged him as one for public displays of affection and yet the moment they'd left the car to walk up to LJ's school his fingers had found hers. She didn't reject the hold and instead relished in the joyous feeling that spread throughout her being.

"Pretty soon you won't need that crutch and you'll be back at work." Imani said as she stuffed her free hand in her pocket.

"Why wait? I'm thinking of returning by next week."

"Really? That's a bit early."

She helped him as they stepped over a large puddle. "I need to make sure things are running smoothly in the office and I have a lot of upcoming meetings."

"Hmm." He turned towards her and gave her a questioning look. "It's just that I still remember what Marco said about you not wanting to run the company but you seem pretty dedicated to it to me. How does that work?"

Vincent let out a huge gust of air. "MOM!"

'Saved by the kid', he thought as they reached the playground and LJ came charging towards Imani. They hugged and she took his backpack from him as he noticed Vincent beside Imani.

"Hey Vincent!" The two gave each other a high five before LJ dug into his backpack. "I drawed something in Arts and Crafts today." He said and Imani corrected him. "I mean - drew. What do you think?" He found the yellow sugar paper and unravelled it to show Vincent the drawing of a dog with a car beside it. The kid was no Picasso but Vincent didn't feel the need to break his heart. "It's not as good as your pictures but-."

Imani raised an eyebrow as Luke held up the paper proudly. "You've seen Vincent's pictures?"

Luke nodded vehemently. "Yeah, when he showed me around."

"He said he liked to draw." Vincent replied in his defence. Besides, LJ was only 6 - he wouldn't be able to understand the depth of the pictures nor the meaning and vulnerabilty behind each individual piece. To him, it was a bunch of beautifully placed marks using different materials.

"In that case - I like to draw! Let me see your art."

Vincent grinned and slung an arm around her shoulders, not being able to resist kissing her on the lips. "Nice try but no chance." She rolled her eyes just as LJ made a horrified face. "You look like you've seen a ghost, buddy."

"You're gonna catch cooties, Vincent! Ewwww!" The two adults shared a look before bursting out into laughter. "You're gonna need a cooties shot! My friend knows where to get one."

Imani waved at LJ's teacher before they turned to head back to the car. "So honey, what you're trying to say is - I've got cooties?" She asked, Vincent's arm still around her.

"Sorry mom - but yeah. Jake says that all girls have cooties and if your mouth touches their mouth - you get it too."

She grinned at his six year old logic."I'm prepared to take the shot." Vincent replied, winking at her.

"Ok. I'll ask Jake where it is and we can go tomorrow."

"Can I come?" Imani asked as she helped him into his seat. LJ looked at Vincent before shaking his head.

"Sorry mom - boys only."

After she got herself situated in the seat next to LJ, the car started to move. "Fine then I guess this ice cream trip is girls only - looks like neither of you two can come." She retorted, laughing at the look of horror on LJ's face. "Sorry Luke."

Imani observed the scene in front of her with a smile. Her son was teaching her boss the best way to eat an ice cream sundae without getting a brain freeze. Vincent seemed genuinely intrigued and LJ couldn't stop talking. She watched Vincent as he spooned a large amount of vanilla ice cream into his mouth only to get some on his cheek.

She never thought she would ever see him letting loose and being so open. He was enjoying himself - with her son nonetheless. It really did warm her heart seeing the two of them get along so well. Imani thought back to how at one point she had really disliked Vincent with every fibre of her being but now... that was the furthest thing she felt towards him.

Deciding to make her presence known, she moved from her position by the ladies toilets and sat down in her seat besides her son.

"You're nearly finished already?! What about my half?" She asked her son - having split the dessert with him. Luke smiled at her sheepishly. "You're lucky you're cute, mister."

Vincent lifted his head, staring out of the window and suddenly the smile on his face disappeared. The grin was now replaced by a frown. Imani knew that there was only one thing that could have him divert his attention so quickly and pull such a scowl on his face.

Imani followed his gaze only to see Giovanni walking with Heather into the baby store opposite the ice cream shop. The redheaded woman waddled as he held onto her waist to keep her sturdy.

Vincent looked as if he was ready to punch a wall.

She knew that face. And she feared that like the many times before - he would do a complete 180 and snap on her. She waited until his head slowly turned back around - the plastic spoon in his hand split in two.

"LJ, let's go." Imani suggested, taking his hand and getting his things together.

She stopped when she felt Vincent's hand on hers. Without saying anything, he pulled her into the booth next to him. "Are we still going?" Luke asked in confusion, slinging his backpack over his shoulders.

Briefly looking outside again and in the direction of the baby store, he shook his head. "No way - how about an oreo milkshake?"

"Are you sure?" Imani asked him quietly. He nodded, leaning down and kissing her for reassurance.

"Vincent! Now you need two shots!"

Later that night after putting LJ to bed, Imani knocked on Vincent's open door. He was laying on the bed, doing some of his leg exercises. Upon hearing the knock, he stopped to look towards the source of the noise.

A grin eased over his face when he saw her standing by the door. He beckoned her in and she took a few steps towards him after shutting the door on her way in. Vincent sat up straight seeing the serious expression on her face. "What's the matter?" He questioned as she stood in front of him in her nightshirt.

"Are you okay?" His features were etched in confusion. "You didn't get angry when we saw your dad and Heather but you've been quiet and withdrawn since we've returned."

He patted the space on the bed beside him much like she had when he had went to check up on her. "Your concern is endearing," He began when she sat down.

"Well, you know - now that we're together, I care a lot more." He chuckled as she nudged him playfully.

"I am fine. Seeing that bastard laughing and acting as if his life is so great whilst his wife's health deteriorates did something to me." He spat. "You would think he'd give a shit. I haven't seen him come to the hospital in nearly three weeks." Vincent continued, "Believe me I wanted to go out there and do some damage but LJ was there. No child should see such anger."

Realising how tightly his fist was clenched, he opened it up and huffed.

It would take a very long time - if ever - for him to get used to seeing Giovanni and Heather together. It would always be stuck in his mind that what they had and the child they would soon have was a product of infidelity. Both of them had hurt his mother and not once had he ever heard either of them give a direct apology to Lily-Ann.

Seeing them also reminded him of just how close the birth of Giovanni Jr was.

Imani sighed into his embrace when he pulled her into a hug. "I'm really going to have to get used to this."

"Used to what?"

"You hugging and kissing me in front of people and so often. I never would have guessed that you were into PDA." She started, "I thought you wouldn't be one to be so open."

"I'd get used to it if I were you, dolcezza."

"Speaking of getting used to things - did you see the looks we were getting today?"

Vincent shrugged.

"You would think people would be used to interracial couples by now."

"Evidently not." He answered and she sucked her teeth.

She had noticed the stares when they'd entered the ice cream shop. At first she had put it down to the fact that she was walking with a drop dead gorgeous 6'2 male that just oozed masculinity but then she had received an odd look from a few ladies in the bathroom.

Those looks continued and every time her lips left Vincent's, her eyes would find another set of orbs that were watching the two either in disgust or in confusion. It took a lot of restraint to prevent her from flipping the people off.

Imani put a hand to her mouth as she stifled a yawn. "It's time for my bedtime, I'm going in tomorrow." Vincent felt her move and tightened his hold on her. "Vincent, I have to go to my room."

"Restare." He whispered.

That one word broke down any argument that she had to his request.

"Fine, I'll stay." She caved in. "I'm going to learn a language just so I can do what you do." Imani voiced, lifting herself to straddle his lap. "Try and say no to me when I say it in French."

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