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"Rise and shine, Mr Pellegrino. What kind of coffee do you like?"

Vincent groaned as his curtains were yanked open and the sunlight burst into his room, cutting his slumber. He realised that the voice that had just spoken to him was one that he did not recognise. He heard the soft tap of heels on the wooden floor of his bedroom and peeled open one eye. He saw a pair of nude heels and a smooth pair of brown legs. His eyes travelled higher, past the hourglass figure that was hidden in a tight navy pencil skirt and the ample breasts that were covered by a camel coloured chiffon blouse. His gaze lifted and landed on a face he didn't think he would ever see again.

He shot up and narrowed his eyes at her. "You. From the interview a few weeks ago. What are you doing in my room? What are you doing in my house?"

Imani smiled sweetly, shifting the frames on her face. "Oh, your father didn't tell you? I got the job." Vincent's face fell.


"Oh yes. Now this morning you have a meeting at 9:45am with Neil Johansson-."

Vincent stood and Imani tried to look away but she couldn't help but stare at the ripped abs and chest she saw. He was wearing his pyjama bottoms but his upper body was bare. His chest was smooth except for the hairs on his lower abdomen that led down and disappeared into his bottoms. "That meeting is at 11:30am actually." He grunted, running a hand through his dark locks as he walked out of his bedroom and downstairs towards his spacious front room. Imani followed him. He opened the front door and turned to her. "Look, you are not needed here nor are you wanted. I don't need an assistant." He gestured to the door, a clear sign for her to get out but instead she shut it.

"Clearly you do need an assistant. Mr Johansson's team called and rescheduled to 9:45am. It is now-" she checked the time on her phone. "8:30. You need to go get dressed."

Vincent scoffed. "I'm not taking orders from you."

"I forgot what an asshole you are." She stated, rolling her eyes and retrieving her suit blazer from his coat hooks by the door.

"Understand that I can have you fired if I want to."

Imani smiled and grabbed her bag after putting on her blazer. "Actually, I was hired by Giovanni. Which means only he can fire me." She saw a tick in his jaw as he ground his teeth. She opened the his door and turned to him. "I'm heading over to the office to prepare for the meeting. If you decide to show up, please show up early."

Vincent crossed his arms over his chest. "And if I don't show up at all?"

"I lose nothing. I'm still getting paid but it's you who loses the account." She stated with confidence, watching his face fall. "So will I see you at 9:30?"

He grumbled his reply and slammed the door in her face.

She sighed and walked towards the black car that had shown up outside her home in the morning. The car had dropped off LJ to school and her at Vincent's house with a key for her to enter. She had been surprised when it appeared but after Giovanni called, explaining to her that he wanted her to travel around safely, she wasn't complaining.

"Where to, Miss Forde?"

"Straight to the office please, Benjamin." The driver nodded and smiled at Imani as they drove.

Vincent huffed, angry that Giovanni had gone behind his back and hired her. He had already stated that the woman was not up to scratch. He had already stated that he didn't need an assistant. He had already stated - several times - that he didn't want to take over the company.

How dare Giovanni give her the key to his house?

How dare she storm in and give him orders?

He wanted her fired.

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