Twenty Six

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'I think I'm falling in love with you.'

Her admission played over and over again in his mind for the next couple of days and it wouldn't go away. He couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that someone was capable of loving him. Vincent wasn't stupid - he knew he was difficult, complicated and as cold as ice. He had almost gotten used to the idea that perhaps he would never experience that 'great love' that was advertised in movies and he didn't care much either.

It was not only overrated but it was fictional.

That's why the feelings he was having were foreign.

If he thought she had a hold on him before, she now had an iron grip on his mind, body and soul.

She always managed to find a way to place a smile on his face no matter what and she always stood her ground when it came to him and his stubbornness. Imani was efficient, she had everything together and in Vincent's eyes... she was the epitomy of beauty and brains.

And yet she was falling in love with him.

Vincent wasn't insecure but he did believe that Imani deserved someone who could love her wholly whilst being the perfect father figure to LJ. And as much as he wanted to be that - he wasn't sure whether or not he could live up to those expectations.

She wanted the white picket fence lifestyle and he wasn't that.

"Morning early bird." Her sweet voice was laced with sleep as she walked into the kitchen, dragging him out of his thoughts.

Vincent looked over his shoulder and smiled when he saw her. The messy hair that had been piled on top of her head and his pyjama shirt that had been haphazardly worn did nothing to prevent the stirring he felt in his groin.

Although he would have preferred her to be as nude as she was when he left her in his bed that morning, his shirt was the safer option with LJ in the house

"It's nearly afternoon, actually."

She shrugged as she threw her arms around his torso, resting her head on his back. "Actually, it's 10:30am." Imani corrected, inhaling and sighing contently. "That smells good, what is it?"

"It's called a frittata." Answered Vincent as he stood over the stove.

"You never cook breakfast. It's usually a coffee and some fruit for you."

He chuckled, sprinkling some herbs over the egg. "Yes, but you and LJ eat breakfast."

"Speaking of LJ, the plan is in full effect." Imani said, referring to the surprise birthday party they were going to throw for him. The plan was to pretend to have forgotten it was his birthday all day, take the seven year old out for a little while only to return and surprise him with a large get together with all his friends.

Vincent - still focusing on cooking - chuckled. "You think he won't catch on? Luke is a clever kid."

"Not as clever as his mama." She retorted, melting into the warm steel that was his back. Even as he moved towards the fridge - she went with him.

"Imani, do you plan on letting me walk on my own?" She shook her head, holding onto him tighter. "I need to cook, tesoro."

A shrug was her reply, her shoulders brushing his back with the action. Imani squealed when he whisked around and hoisted her over his shoulder with ease. "Vincent!" She yelled through giggles. "Put me down!"

Ignoring her, he walked towards the three stools by the kitchen bar and sat her down there. Before he had a chance to walk away from her, she wrapped her legs around him, keeping him in place. "Imani." He warned.

Imani peaked up at him innocently through his eyelashes. "What?"

Brown hands slid over tanned arms, doing horrible things to Vincent's senses. "You should stop." He answered, smiling despite his suggestion. She continued to stroke up and down, dragging him in by the hem of his vest.

"I should, shouldn't I?"

Vincent laughed as he dipped his head and brushed his lips against the corner of her mouth. "You will be the death of me, Imani Forde." Rubbing her legs against his thighs, she heard him grunt as he stepped in towards her.

"Food's burning."

"Let it burn." He took her lower lip into his and kissed her hotly, sending her heart racing. Deepening the kiss, he combed his fingers through her hair, dragging out the hair tie and letting the dark locks fall.

Imani sighed into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Mom, what's the date today?"

As soon as she heard LJ's voice, she pushed Vincent away. The large man simply licked his lips and returned to his position by the stove. "Vincent." LJ said disappointedly. "You're gonna need another cootie shot."

Imani helped him up onto the stool beside her as she chortled. "What did you ask me before, buddy?"

"I asked the date."

Imani and Vincent shared a brief look of amusement before she shrugged. "It's Friday 1st February honey, why?" She replied nonchalantly.

Luke's face fell and he huffed before looking towards Vincent. "Just another normal day." He added, placing two hot and filled plates in front of them.

Imani tucked into the food and when she saw her son pouting, she gently nudged him. "Eat up baby, we need to go grocery shopping in an hour."

"We're going to the store? Today?" He whined exasperatedly. "But today is... it's-it's-."

"It's what, honey?"

"Are you being for real, mom?!" He cried as Imani smiled to herself and Vincent watched the two over his warm mug of coffee.

She nodded. "It's an ordinary day. Start eating, Luke before your food gets cold."

Grumbling a reply, he did as he was told.

With the dishes cleaned and bellies full, Imani and LJ sat at the bar with Vincent stood on the other side. The sounds of laughter filled the room and if anyone had walked in at that point, they would think that they'd walked in on a family moment.

"Ok ok, maybe I'm not a good artist like you guys but look what I can do." Imani stated, rolling up the sleeve of the baggy shirt and leaning on the counter. Without warning, she twisted it all the way round, gaining gasps from the boys.

LJ covered his face in horror. "Mom! Ew!"

Imani fell back into her seat, checking the time. "You need to have a bath, sweetheart." She said. "Come on, let's go." She hopped off the stool, taking his hand and disappearing up the stairs with him.

No more than a minute after they had left did Vincent's phone ring.

"What?" He answered.

"Hello would've been nicer but-."

Vincent rolled his eyes and grabbed his cane, walking to the front room. "What is it that you want, Marco?"

"I would've thought Imani would make you actually turn nice. Clearly not, Vince. You're still so-,"

"You have ten seconds to get to the point before I hang up."

"Fine, fine, fine! I wanted to know what time Melisa and I should arrive for the surprise party."

Marco and Melisa were turning out to be quite the couple. It was a major shock to Vincent - who didn't think that his younger cousin could remain faithful to anyone. And yet for the last month and a bit, the two had become inseperable.

Marco had even met - and charmed - Melisa's mom and dad.

"4pm. It won't go on for too long though, I would rather not have all of those people in my house after 8."

Marco snickered. "I think it's really sweet of you to throw this party for the little guy. Vincent just admit it - you're deeply into this woman." He said. "Deeper than you want to acknowledge."

There was no sound on the line as Vincent thought about his answer. He sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair as grumbled, "I know I am."

"Do you love her?"

The question was abrupt, blunt and unexpected. Vincent held his breath, rubbing his jaw.

"Do I love her?" Was his reply. "Do I love her?" He asked himself quietly.

"I think you do."

"You think too much, Marco."

The younger Pellegrino laughed. "Nice swerve. Listen, I'll talk to you at the party, alright? A presto!"

Hanging up, Vincent let the question hang over his head.

Did he love little Miss Imani Forde?


Imani beamed as LJ screamed in shock.

Realising what was going on the young boy grinned widely. "Happy birthday baby." She whispered into his ear, pulling him into her arms.

He hugged her back tightly as everyone else cooed. "I thought you forgot!"

"How could I forget the birthday of my number one boy? It was all part of the plan you see." She revealed as he covered his mouth in shock.

"And Vincent? He knew too!" Imani nodded as she looked around for her boss.

He was nowhere to be seen in the big group of LJ's school friends and their friends who had crowded by the door. Now as they dispersed, she got slightly worried as she struggled to locate him.

Her son had already raced outside to play with his friends on the bouncy castle and all the other toys that had been installed for the day.

Finding her mother in the corner of the room talking to one of her friends, she approached her. "Sorry to disturb you girls," she said, smiling politely, "but have you seen Vincent?"

"Last time I saw him - he was heading up the stairs, honey. Why?"

"No reason." Kissing her mother on the cheek, she made a quick exit. "Enjoy the party, I'll be down in a minute."

Imani raced up the stairs and looked around in all the rooms until she found the art room door unlocked.

Pushing it open, she walked further and further in until she found him.

He stood in front of the window, watching the children running around freely. "I knew I'd find you here."

He said nothing.

"Still hiding at parties?" He chuckled dryly, arms folded over his chest. "What are you doing up here, Vincent? Everybody's downstairs."

"Exactly." She stared at the back of him in confusion.

Turning around, he reached his hand out for her to take and when she did he pulled her to his side. "They're all your friends. I don't know them and I know how I can be, dolcezza so I would rather stay up here and stay safe as opposed to going down there and doing what I do best."

Imani stared up at him, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Vincent. It sounds as if you care about what others think?"

He reared back and looked at her as if she was crazy. "Me? Imani you and I both know that I couldn't give a damn about what anybody - let alone those people out there - think of me." Vincent stated, "But I know that you care what they think and I don't want you to have to explain why you're with the rude guy. I'm saving you the trouble, Imani."

"I don't need you doing that. You know why?"

He shook his head 'no'.

"Because I really don't care. I don't need to explain why I'm with the 'rude guy' because its none of their business." She explained, leaning up on her toes to kiss his cheek. "You need to stop beating yourself up and doubting yourself."

Opening his mouth to speak, Imani cut him off and said "I think you're pretty amazing and that's all that should matter."

Vincent couldn't help but smile as he felt his heart hammer against his chest at her admission. He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it tenderly

"Can we go downstairs now and eat some cake?"

"Yes we can."

Leading them out, Imani couldn't help but giggle

"I can't believe you - a 28 year old, 6 ft 2 giant - were hiding."

Vincent simply nudged her lightly as she continued to laugh. "Ready to meet some of my friends?" She asked as he grimaced. "We've got 4 hours of mingling to look forward to."

"I'm gonna need some bourbon."

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