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Charlie's Pov

"CHARLIE WAKE UP!" I heard someone yell, and being a demi-god, I grabbed my sword and jumped out of bed. "What? What is it?" I asked, looking around, while swinging my sword might I add. "Put the sword down idiot!" Bee yelled, grabbing my arm. "It's not my fault you guys woke me up like that." I mumbled, putting my sword away.

"What's going on?" I asked, looking at everyone. "It's Christmas Eve, pendeja." Percy said, walking to his bunk. "Watch your mouth puto, it's Christmas Eve afterall." I said, flicking the back of his head. "Who's going to the party later?" Amilia asked, looking around.

"I think everyone but Charlie." Maya said, walking to her bunk. "Why aren't you going?" Bee asked me. "Me and Percy have to go to our mom's. It's hispanic Christmas." I said, getting my bag to stark packing. "Hispanic Christmas? What is that?" Amilia asked, looking at me.

"It's just Christmas but with one side of the family on Christmas Eve, and the other on Christmas Day." I explained, looking over to Percy to see if he was packing. "Percy! Pack, we need to help mom!" I yelled, throwing my pillow at Percy. "Mom said we could stay at camp and go over tomorrow!" Percy yelled, after getting hit by the pillow, "Merry Christmas to you too, puta." Percy said, throwing the pollow back.

I glared at him and caught the pillow. "You could've told me that before I packed, puto." I said, walking out the door, I needed to talk to Bea. After a minute of walking, I knocked on Cabin 12's door. "Bea, open up. It's Texas!" I yelled, Bea was probably still asleep. "What?" Bea asked, walking out to meet me, "Are you ok?" I asked, making sure Bea didn't fall. "I think I'm low again." Bea said, looking at me.

"Ok, I'll go get Nikola for you." I said, before running off to the infirmary. When I got there, Nikola was walking out. "Perfect, Bea needs you, they're low again." I said, grabbing him. "Ok, calm down. I'm going!" Nikola said, running ahead of me. When we got back to Bea, they were sitting down on the steps. "Do you know what to do?" Nikola asked me, "I have no clue." I said, backing up so Nikola had space. "Ok, I'll send Bea to find you later, go do something." Nikola said, shooing me off.

As I was walking away, someone came up behind me and put their hands over my eyes. "Guess who." The voice said, "Get away from my wife Ethan!" I heard Bea yell from behind. "Hmmm, I wonder" I said, taking his hands off my eyes. "Really Bea? Come on!" Ethan yelled, back at my wife. I punched his arm and told him, "Don't yell at my wife, sir. It's quite rude."

"Oh of course my lady, I send my dearest apologies." Ethan said, puting a hand on his heart. "You're an idiot." I said, walking away. "But I'm your idiot?" He asked, following me. "I heard that Ethan!" Bea yelled from behind us. "Bea! Stop it!" I yelled back at her. She just laughed and looked away.

"I have to say it, your wife is annoying." Ethan said, walking again. "You're dead is she hears you." I said, walking with him, "Where are we walking anyways?" I asked, grabbing his hand. "I was following you." Ethan said, looking at me. "Of course you were, this happens all the time." I said, laughing.

"Ew Charlie and Ethan are holding hands again!" Adi yelled when we walked into the dining pavilion. "Oh shut up Adi, I already have to deal with Bea!" I yelled, walking to my table. "Meet me in the arena after lunch." Ethan said before placing a kiss on my forehead and walking away.

"If he ever kisses you again, I'm going to murder him." Percy said, sitting next to me. "Will you stop! It's Christmas Eve for fucks sake, plus you have no control over who I date." I said, moving to sit next to Maya and Bee. "In my defense, he was apart of Luke's army, just saying." Percy said, putting his hands up in surrender. "So was I pendejo, and I turned out just fine." I said, kicking him under the table.

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