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Mia's POV


My name is Mia Zira Bucket and I am 24 years old. I live in a small house with my parents, my younger brother and my four grandparents.

I work in a restaurant where I am a waitress and cook, my boss is a very nice old lady , I don't have to wear a uniform but dark clothes. I earn quite well in this job but it is not enough for my family which includes eight people with me.

I still put aside money for materials for clothes, because I make them myself for the whole family, and for Charlie's further education.

Nina my boss knows about my situation at home and allows me to take what is left from the day for my family, she is an angel sent from heaven.

Dad works in a factory making toothpaste but doesn't earn much, mom doesn't work because she has to take care of the grandparents and Charlie when he comes home. I know that Charlie wants to help our family but we prefer that he focus on his studies first.

Although my routine every day is like this: get up, eat, go to work, eat on break, work, go home, help mom at home, help Charlie with homework, eat and sleep.

I wouldn't change it for anything because family for me is most important and I don't care that we don't have money or I don't have time to go out with friends.

When you live like we do you appreciate all the most important things no matter how small they are. If only I knew that our ordinary and peaceful life would soon change.

Whether for better or for worse, only time will tell. One thing I knew was that as a family we could handle anything.

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