Part 11

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Willy's POV

Ever since the Buckets moved into the factory, everything there has been alive. I can admit to having a nice time with other people and not just myself.

Charlie is getting better and better at the factory and has many ideas for new sweets that turn out to be a hit. His help allows me more time to regain Mia's trust and forgiveness. I know Mia has forgiven me, but I want to show her that I'm not doing this for one reason.

So far there has been success and she is slowly starting to open up to me and be warmer to me. I was happy because I was getting my Chocolate Dove back. I knew I still had to wait to ask her to be mine.

I have a very good idea for a date to ask her but I have to wait for the right time. Thanks to Charlie, I know that she still has feelings for me and I have to get her before someone takes her from me.

The same day

I got up quite late for the reason that I sat for a long time with the documents. When I looked at the zekareg it was 9:15 in the morning and I knew that My Angel was already at work.

I was saddened that I didn't have breakfast with her, I got ready for today and went down for breakfast. Sitting in the dining room were Mia's grandparents with her mother, and Charlie was probably already at school. I smiled at them

'' Good morning Dears'' I said

'' Good morning Willy '' they replied

'' And Mia wishes you a good day '' added Mrs. Bucket or Helen as she told me to call her. We spent a nice time over breakfast and I went to my work, time passed quickly and before I knew it it was time for lunch. I went down to eat so as not to get another reprimand from Mia or Helen.

Since they live in the factory not only have they brought more life here but Mia and Helen make sure I eat. To my surprise Mr. Bucket or Nathan along with Charlie were in the house.

When I asked about it Charlie had his lessons cut short and Nathan had finished work early. During lunch the phone rang Helen got up to answer it

'' Oo Hey Nina. Why are you calling? '' she asked and after a moment we heard

'' Is Mia okay? '' she asked worriedly

'' Good, I'll give it to them right away '' she said and hung up. She leaned against the wall and we all frowned

'' Are you okay Mama? '' Charlie asked and Helen moved her head from side to side. After a long silence, Helen finally spoke up

'' It was Nina. She told me that someone has been following Mia since this morning and that they don't know what this person wants. Nina said that Mia was disturbed by the situation, but that she was able to take her mind off it thanks to her work. They know it's a man because they saw his face in their favorite cafeteria when they were having lunch. Caleb and Liam will bring her to the factory and the three of them tell us everything from the beginning. Liam and Caleb are like big brothers to her and Charlie. They are in a relationship together so don't think Willy that you have a competition. Both of them are in shape and practice regularly so they will easily defend her from any danger '' Helien said and a deafening silence fell between us.

I was glad My Angel had someone to defend and hoped it was nothing serious. The only thing left for us was to wait for the three of them to come and learn more from them.

I took Charlie to work hoping to distract him from worrying about his sister even though I was worried about her myself. 

A couple of hours later

Mia's POV

We finished work at 5pm but helped clean up so when we left it was 5:30pm and Liam was waiting outside the restaurant. We headed together towards the factory

'' I saw the man again gdu I was approaching the restaurant. He quickly moved in another direction when he saw me '' he said as we walked.

We decided to take a slightly longer route, but we had glass storefronts so we could easily see if someone was following us. At first we didn't see him, but in the middle he emerged.

As we approached the factory, Caleb was furious and turned towards my stalker. The man when he saw this quickly ran back. It's a good thing Caleb did this then there would have been no way for my stalker to see the code to the side entrance.

Even if he had seen the code, one of the Oompa Loompas would have had to put him through the bars. Only in the middle of the factory I breathed a sigh of relief, I know I was in no danger of anything with the boys, but many things could happen.

We hung our coats on the hangers and headed toward the living room knowing that the rest would be waiting for us there. When we entered the living room immediately Mom and Dad and Charlie pulled me into a hug. When we separated Willy hugged me tightly and brought me to the couch and sat with me while the rest greeted the guys.

After a moment of silence, I began to explain what had happened today

'' Everything was going well at first, as with every trip I made to work. Not long after I left, I noticed that something was wrong. I felt someone following me, but when I turned around I didn't see anyone. I didn't go back to the factory to keep that person from coming in here. So I sped up my steps to work and heard footsteps behind me. It scared me very much I started to run and that person also started to run. I ran into Caleb in front of the door to the restaurant " I said

" She was very shaken and I immediately took her to Nina's office and texted Liam that something had happened to her. It arrived quickly and we were able to calm her down enough for her to tell us what was going on. She managed to drag her thoughts from the morning until  our lunch in the cafeteria '' continued Caleb staring at the wall.  Liam took over the reins seeing that Caleb was getting angry all over again

'' Zi saw a man looking at us every now and then. I remembered seeing him hanging around the restaurant as I went in and out when Caleb called for me. From what I noticed he is a young, thin man so in about his 30s and had a clean face, dark hair. We decided to leave with that one. I saw him the next time I came for them '' he said

'' He followed us from the cafeteria to the restaurant. I saw him in the glass windows we passed and we immediately told Nina about you. For that I told Nina to call you that Caleb and Liam are coming with me. He was following us toward the factory, but Calwb scared him away before we were close " I said in a low voice, but everyone heard me well.

There was a long silence and I hoped that we could find some good solution to this problem. After thinking about it for a long time, we decided that Liam and Caleb would pick me up and bring me back from the factory until we found out what this man wanted.

We decided to wait a few days to tell the police about my stalker because maybe he would let go if he saw that I was well protected. liam and Caleb stayed for dinner and got to know Willy better and I could tell they liked him.

Luckily for me they live 3 minutes walk from the factory so they were close by. I was hoping this stalker thing in the midst would calm down and my life would return to normal. Unfortunately, only time knows the answer to what will happen...

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