Part 2

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Two days later

Mia's POV

I just finished my work and was surprised that Charlie didn't come for me. I went to Nina's office to say goodbye to her and, as always, she gave me a package of food.

I stopped by the store to pick up some clothing materials because I was short on supplies. As I was leaving the store I noticed in the newspaper that the first Golden Ticket had been found. I quickly headed home to tell my family and ingormation about an interview about it on TV.

When I got home everyone was already there so I immediately put the food on the table and turned on the TV. When I got curious looks he answered mime calmly

'' The first ticket has been found, there is supposed to be an interview about it in twenty minutes '' and the rest nodded their heads with interest. To the news I helped my mother with the food and managed to

Charlie to complete his lessons. Finally, after a long twenty minutes, we will finally know who got the golden ticket.

We looked at the TV unsatisfied and I wondered what kind of parent would allow a child to eat so much chocolate. I looked at Grandpa George,

" You were right Grandpa George, he is fat " I said, trying to raise the atmosphere.

" Don't worry, kid, there are still four tickets and we still hope to find her " I said with a smile. I quickly looked at them,

" I have a surprise for you. Wait a minute '' I said and ran to my bag and pulled out a chocolate bar.

' 'I was going to give you all together for your birthday, but to cheer you up I'll give it to you now '' I said and gave him the chocolate. To our misfortune there was no ticket but we had something to lift the mood.

Three days later

I came back after work tired because we had a lot of customers today and I had to stay three hours longer because of this, but I do not complain about more money.

I knew Nina would soften my work pay because of this. On another good note, I got a very good tip. I met up with my dad on the way and we walked the rest of the way home together. After a cruddy walk we reached home

'' Good evening Bucket '' we called out together. Everyone answered together

'' Good Evening '' and got their attention when another Golden Ticket finder appeared on TV.

To my head immediately came such words little spoiled girl. It's not fer others but it's out of our control. I looked at Charlie ruefully

'' It's not fer she didn't find the ticket herself '' he said and I sat down next to him. I turned his head towards me

'' Charlie let me tell you something important. A lot of people don't gar fer, they cheat or go on skrudes. Such people are bad will not get far in life. Promise us that you will always become a good honest person and never become like him '' I told him seriously

'' I promise Mia '' he said with truthful eyes and I hugged him tightly.

A few days later

I sat together with my family and listened to the third finder of the Golden Ticket.

I looked at my family

'' I don't know what to think about it. To me it looks like this girl has no life of her own. It looks like her mother is using her to fulfill her dreams and not Violet. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't have any real friends or some eating disorder '' I said thoughtfully. Charlie looked at me and nodded and my mother hugged me from behind

'' I think you're right Angel '' she said and I got up to help her with the food.

Two days later

We watched the fourth Golden Ticket conqueror and I just don't know what to think about it.

When Dziadeg George heard Mike's answer he immediately began to swear at him. Good thing Dad was behind Charlie and could cover his ears so Charlie couldn't hear what Grandpa was saying.

After a few minutes of silence we sat down to eat. After dinner, Mom and Dad and I decided to give him an early birthday present, and unfortunately we couldn't find the Golden Ticket.

Charlie our little angel though didn't have to divide the chocolate equally and each of us got a piece.

The next day

I was helping my mom with the food when Charlie ran into the house with a happy smile. From a distance I heard CHarlie shouting

'' Mom, Dad, Mia I found the last golden ticket. It is mine '' he shouted happily. I quickly noticed something golden in his hand and put my hands over my mouth. Dad took the golden Ticket from Charlie's hand.

A little time earlier

Everyone immediately started shouting '' Calmly we can first determine who goes with Charlie to the factory tomorrow. He can take two people with him. So I think mia should go with charlie '' said mom calmly. Grandpa Joe immediately volunteered to be the second person and dato agreed with you. Charlie wanted to object saying that we can get money for the tickets

'' Come here young man'' he said moving his finger ''walk here'' movement. Charlie approached him slowly

'' Listen to me only a fool would choose money than this. Are you a fool'' asked Grandpa seriously. Charli nodded his head up and down

'' No Sir '' he said

'' So tomorrow you go to the factory '' and Charlie smiled widely. Grandpa Joe and I smiled at each other, I couldn't wait to go to the Factory.

I quickly pulled out my phone, which I had been saving for five years, and wrote a message to Nina about why I wouldn't be at the paracy tomorrow. She wrote back to tell me to have a nice day and tell her about my trip when I got back.

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