Part 5

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Mia's POV

We followed Willy to the riverbank where a beautiful pink seahorse-shaped boat was waiting for us. Waiting for us on it were a dozen Oompas - Loompas ( I hope I spelled it right). Suddenly they started laughing

'' What's so funny? '' asked Violet

'' I suspect it's all the Chocolate Beans '' replied Willy. Willy threw in one of his curiosities

'' Did you know that chocolate contains property that triggers a dose of endorphins '' he focused his eyes on me

'' It gives the feeling of being in love'' and my face reddened brightly. I looked down

'' You won't tell '' said Ms. Beauregarde. Willy looked at her for a moment

'' All aboard '' he said and we boarded the boathouse. I sat in the last sail along with Willy and Dzarile and Grandpa sat in front of me. Willy said another order

'' Forward '' and slowly the boat started to move slowly when suddenly Willy wanted to say again about the chocolate veruka unkindly stopped him. After a while he gave me a ladle of chocolate

'' Taste it good for you'' and I could tell I had tasted something heavenly. I handed the ladle to Charlie and Joe to try as well. I could see that it was getting on his nerves after his hand that was on my knee strengthened its grip.

After a while he started to make a remark about his height and all was well until Charlie asked about her first candy. Willy fell into a sort of trance and I knew he had some problems from his past but I wouldn't pry because of that. I looked at Charlie

'' Maybe it's best if we don't ask personal questions '' I said and Charlie nodded. We approached the tunnel and Willy was still in his trance

'' Willy Willy. You have to come back to us. We are approaching the tunnel '' I whispered softly in his ear and it coaxed him out.

He looked at me with a small smile and looked at the front '' Fantastic all the way, faster '' he said to his labors. We quickly flowed into the total darkness of the tunnel, I tucked my head into his neck and strengthened my grip on him

'' Turn on the light '' he said and the bright lights came on. The boat slowed down

'' Look around we are passing important rooms '' he said. We saw rooms with signs for ice cream, clotten cream, hair cream. What an interesting idea. Of course Mrs. Beauregarde asked the idiot question

'' What's the hair cream for '' and Willy moved his hair saying

'' To lock in moisture '' and I hid my smile behind my hands. Behind the chile we saw the Oompa Loompas whipping a cow with a whip

'' Whipped cream '' I said along with Charlie and Willy smiled at us. Veruca interjected pointlessly and I admired Willy for having so much patience to this spoiled child. After a moment of silence

'' Stop the boat '' Willy said and we stopped in front of the room with the sign Inventing. We entered the room slowly and Willy stood in front of us

'' This is one of the most important rooms in the factory. This is where I conduct experiments of my new creations. However, there are rules here: We don't touch, We don't try and We only look. You are also to be careful '' he said and we dispersed around the room.

If I had known that Chocolatier was following me in the presses I would have been more careful.

Willy's POV

I knew I had progress with my little Angel. I was glad that I was sitting next to her during the boat ride and she did not react negatively when I touched her knee.

During the ride I could see that she was starting to get scared so I decided to turn on the light and slow down the boat ride. I could see that only she, her brother and her grandfather were curious about the trip.

I'm starting to be more confident that Charlie will win the grand prize and become my heir. We stopped by the Inventing Room and I hoped I could talk to her longer than I did in the Chocolate Room.

I saw that My Dove was going in a different direction a more private one. I followed her quietly and this time I knew I wouldn't be able to keep my hands to myself.

I watched as she curiously watched how all the machines worked but I couldn't focus on anything else but her clothes. They show off her body beautifully and that skirt I have no words. I feel like a pervert now but she has such an effect on me.

I stood she still in front of the non-working machine and I saw that she wanted to touch it

'' What did I say about touching'' I said and put my hands on her hips. She jumped up a little and wanted to protest but I didn't give her a chance because I picked her up and sat her on the board next to me

'' You are not a good girl '' I said forcing her to look at me. I put my hand on the back of her neck and turned her head to the side so that I could have good access to her neck

'' What am I going to do to you little one '' I said with a deeper voice and saw her redden. Before she could say anything I kissed her hard and passionately after a little while she kissed me back. 

When we finally broke our kiss she was very red and her lips were a little swollen, she was breathing deeply. She looked at me with lust and I felt like taking her right away but I held back knowing that we were not alone.

I am one person who will hear her scream, moan and whimper when I give her pleasure. Unhappily, our pleasant moment was interrupted by a throwing bubble gum  baby.

Mia's POV

Willy moved away from me and pulled off the desk but left that hot feeling between my legs.

When he saw that I was squeezing them he leaned into my ear

'' This is just the beginning little one. Take it easy I'll take care of you later but for now you have to be patient '' he said and headed to where the rest were waiting for him.

I waited for a moment to regain my breath and when I reached them Willy was telling the others about his inventions. I stood next to my grandfather and fortunately for me, they didn't notice my not being there earlier.

After another interesting song from Oompa Loompas, Willy had Violet taken to the Juice Room. Her mom helped push her through the door and hoped Violet would make it out alive. Willy looked at the nan of us

'' Let's go '' and we went on with the rest of the tour. Suddenly I got this thought and everything became clear to me.

" Willy had planned it all, every room is a test for children, but the millionth question was why he was doing it " I thought and followed the rest.

One thing I knew I had to be more careful and see if I was right.

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