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Nine years later

Mia's POV

I was sitting on my bedroom balcony. I decided to finish my journal with a summary of the past years. I looked at the beautiful ring from Willy and started writing:

The last eight years have been the best so far. A lot has changed in my and Willy's lives since Willy asked me if I would be his girlfriend. When Charlie turned 18 Willy gave him a plant. After years of studying under Willy, Charlie was ready to run it himself. His parents and Grandparents still live with him in the factory. One of the things that changed was that Willy and I no longer lived in the factory with them. It might be good for me to start from the beginning. It's been nine years since Willy asked me to be his girlfriend, and it's been five years since he asked me to marry him. I was sure he would have asked me sooner if it hadn't been for several events during those 9 years.

I can say that he showed more with the proposal than when he asked me to be his girlfriend. You ask yourself why we don't live in a factory was the reason that on the year of our first anniversary I discovered that I was two months pregnant. We all agreed that it was dangerous for us to live in a factory and it would be better if for the first 6 years of life if we raise our child in a normal home. It took us 3 months to find a good house with a garden and 4 months later we welcomed our lovely baby girl Lily Aurora Wonka. My beautiful two-year-old princess is a total Daddy's girl. I never dreamed that mine would take such a turn, but I couldn't be more grateful to meet Willy and get my little flower Lily. All thanks to one Golden Ticket...

I had to stop writing by a person hugging me from behind. I blew a kiss on his neck

'' What are you doing Cocoa Bean '' asked Willy burying his face in my neck. I turned around and returned the hug

'' I'm finishing my journal My Chocolate King '' I said and kissed him on the forehead. He sat down next to me

'' How was your walk with Lily'' I asked

'' Very good. The little jelly was fast asleep during our walk '' he replied. It was one of the few occasions when we are together.

I love Lily with all my heart but she is a very energetic child. Fortunately for us, she sleeps through the night since she was a baby and she doesn't cry right away when she wakes up. We can hear her talking to herself in the morning and when she sees one of us she makes a very adorable shriek. 

She sleeps the same amount every time, with each of her naps we have some 3 hours to clean the house and make food. Due to the fact that our family will be arriving for dinner soon, we have to get into action.

Lily will wake up for their arrival alone and I know they will be happy about it. Most of all it's Charlie because he loves his niece and loves to play with her.

I had just finished getting everything ready when they finally arrived. Willy took care of Lily because she woke up about half an hour ago.  


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