Part 12

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Some days later

Mia's POV

It's been a few days since I noticed I had a stalker. Liam and Caleb picked up minie from under the decoy and had dinner with us. I can honestly say that they practically live with us. They have clothes here if it is too late for them to get back together.

I am very happy that they get along with Willy and Willy likes them too. I don't know what I would do if they didn't get along. I want the most important people in my life not to quarrel.It turns out they have a few things in common, Caleb and Willy like to talk about the details of my defense against the stalker.

What they don't know is that Liam has been teaching me the tricks of self-defense for several months and I'm getting better at it. I train with him two or three times a week for two hours each when they are busy with something else. 

I had hoped that things would calm down in a short time, I miss the peaceful walks and not being on guard all the time. Three things distracted me from my thoughts were working at a restaurant, helping at a factory and training with Liam.

We decided to notify the police about my stalker and they told us they couldn't do anything until he approached me. This upset the guys because they thought he was this person without punishment, but Liam was calmer bow he knew I could defend myself. If only I had known that I would soon come face to face with my stalker.

A few days later

I was sick of the stalker and asked Nina if I could take a few days off to rest. Nina easily agreed, because she had a full squad and I have a lot of vacation days because I don't use them often.

I wanted to make a surprise for everyone and bake a dessert. Everyone has been working hard lately and I wanted to do something nice for them. I was missing a few ingredients and luckily Liam had the day off today.

I quickly called for him and asked if he could meet me at the nearest store. He agreed without a problem and I said I would see him in 5 minutes. The closest store was a two-minute walk from the factory, so I decided to go alone. As I walked past the alley I was suddenly pulled into it.

A person quickly covered my mouth and I immediately remembered the lessons from Liam. With some difficulty, I managed to free myself from the grasp of my attacker and knocked him to the ground.  

As he sat down the hood slowly fell from his head and I was able to get a closer look at his face. It was Ryder, he is five years younger than me.

This was not the first time he had stalked me. He did something similar three years ago. He sent me various declarations of love in the form of flowers and love letters. At first I thought it was cute until he showed up where I was, stalking me.

I started to get nervous when he started talking about marriage, our life together and the names of our children. He was 16 and I was 21, and I gave him no indication that I liked him. I even told him this when I received flowers and a love letter from him.

However, this did not stop him and he continued to send them. I freaked out when he started sending me dead animals with trips. I told Caleb about it and he persuaded me to go to the police with it.

My family knew about it and supported me all the time. Thanks to all the letters and threats from him with pictures of dead animals, I was able to easily get a restraining order on him. Ryder can't come within 100 meters of me and if he violates the restraining order he will go to jail for 5 laps or pay a fine of $40,000. I immediately took a picture of him, kicked him in the crotch and ran off in the direction of the store.

I managed to run there quickly and to my surprise, with Liam there was Caleb. I quickly greeted them

'' I have to tell you something but we can't tuta. I'll tell you the factory '' I said seriously and they nodded their heads. I quickly took what I had to take and the three of us headed back to the factory. When we got there I asked one of the Oompa Loompas to gather everyone in the living room because I had something to tell everyone.

I gave the purchases to another Oompa Loompa to put them away in the kitchen. When we entered the living room everyone slowly descended

" I know you have questions, but hear me out first. I have an important question first, do you remember Ryder? '' I asked and everyone so familiar with the situation three years ago nodded their heads.

Willy and Charlie were the only ones who don't know about it. I took a deep breath

'' You don't know about it Charlie because you were young and we didn't want you to worry about it '' I said at his curious face

'' It happened about three years ago. I started getting flowers and love letters from a secret admirer. At first it was cute until I found out that it was a 16-year-old boy named Ryder. I immediately told him that I didn't feel the same way, but that didn't stop him from sending more flowers and love letters. It started to get weird when he started talking about our future together, our marriage and how many children we would have and what we would name them,'' I said and took a shaky breath.

Liam and Caleb hugged me tightly reassuring me and I gave the others a few minutes to digest what I told them. After a while I continued

'' I told him right away that it wouldn't happen and that I didn't feel the same way. This was a blunder on my part because at that moment his methods changed. I didn't notice at the time how Ryder was obsessed with me. He started sending me pogroms and dead animals, he followed me everywhere. Wherever I would go with Caleb and Liam he was there.

It dragged on for a while and I couldn't stand it, so I finally told Caleb and he advised me to go to the police. Thanks to his and my parents' support, along with evidence against him, I was able to obtain a restraining order against him. If he broke it, he would be sent to prison for five years or pay a $40,000 fine. I didn't see him after the announcement and thought his parents had moved out of town. I've had peace until now " I said, and there was silence for a moment. let's all think about it.

" What's Ryder got to do with this situ... Tell me that's not what I'm thinking about " Caleb said and I nodded.

At the lost faces I say '' I wanted to make some kind of cake for all of us and I was missing a few ingredients. I called Liam to meet me outside the store. The shop is about two minutes from the factory, so I decided to go myself. As I walked around the avenue, I was drawn into it. Thanks to a self-defence lesson from Liam, I was able to free myself from my attacker's grip. I managed to oval him to the ground and when his hood fell off his head Ryder's face appeared to me. I quickly snapped a picture of him, kicked him in the crotch, and ran to the store. There I met Liam with Caleb '' I said and gave them time to work things out.

There was silence for a while and during this time I decided to call the police and tell them about the situation. They said they would take care of him and that I would have to come to the station to officially report a violation of the restrening order.

They said he wouldn't get off that easily for breaking it. I thanked the policeman for the information and said that I will come to the police station tomorrow because now I have to calm down my family and it may take some time. Before anything could begin

'' The police will take care of it so none of you do anything. I'm supposed to go to station tomorrow and officially report him breaking the restrening order. The cop told me that Ryder wouldn't get away with it easily '' I said and the others nodded.

I decided to make us dinner and dessert, and we spent the rest of the evening talking and having fun. I was hoping it was over and I could go back to my normal life.

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