Part 1

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Ignore the glasses

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Ignore the glasses

Mia's POV

It was a normal day at the restaurant, I sent a nice tip and the customers were nice. I am very happy with such days because I have more strength to help at home.

On another good side is that I get paid and I can buy Charlie a birthday present. Like every year I'll buy him his favorite chocolate along with a new T-shirt and pants I've been working on for two weeks. 

I was washing dishes in the kitchen humming a song quietly when suddenly someone hugged me from behind. When I looked back my little brother Charlie was standing behind me. I quickly wiped my hands on a rag and hugged him back

'' What are you doing here Charlie '' I asked quietly.

He looked at me shyly '' It's the end of your work time and I wanted to go to work with you '' he said with a smile that I returned. 

I went to say goodbye to Nina and, as always, I got packaged food from her

'' Nina you know you don't have to do this '' I said and took the bag. She looked at me with a smile

'' I knows I don't have to but I want to. The restaurant is working well and I want to help you Angel. I know it's hard at your place and I want to help you at least in this way. Don't whine because you won't change my mind anyway and here is your paycheck'' she told me with a motherly smile and handed me an envelope with money.

I smiled at her and hugged her, after a short goodbye I headed home with Charlie. We entered the store first for a little shopping and I immediately bought Charlie a chocolate and myself two lollipops. As we walked home Charlie looked at me

'' What was that song you were humming earlier and can you sing it to me '' he asked curiously and I nodded.

I sang quietly and this winter atmosphere added to our atmosphere. I was glad that there were no people on our way home because I am afraid of singing in front of others than my family.

Most often you will hear me humming a song than singing it out loud. Everyone in my family including Nina tells me that I have the voice of an Angel therefore my nicknames are Angel and Melody. After not a long walk we arrived home.

I immediately set off to put away the groceries and help my mom with dinner. Not long after, dad arrived home and greeted mom with a kiss

'' Charlie I have something for you '' he said and pulled out a paste cap. Tako works in a toothpaste factory and found the last piece to Charlie's contructions. It was an exact copy of the Willy Wonka factory and I can say that it looked great.

Suddenly I got the feeling that something interesting was finally going to happen, and my hunches never let me down. 

During dinner, Grandpa Joe entertained us with one of his stories about the adventures of Willy Wonka. No matter how many times I've heard it I always find it interesting.

The next day

I was just serving the young couple their order when Charlie ran into the resataurant with an announcement. He quickly showed it to me and I couldn't believe what I was seeing:

 He quickly showed it to me and I couldn't believe what I was seeing:

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I smiled broadly at Charlie and he returned my smile. It was good that it was the end of my work and I could go home with him. I quickly said goodbye to Nina and ran home with Charlie. I drove Charlie first into the house

'' Mom, Mom see it '' he shouted loudly scaring the others in the house with it. Mam took a deep breath seeing that it was just us

'' Don't scare us like that Charlie. Show us what you have there'' she said and took the announcement from Charlie. Grandpa George looked at us

'' Well what do I write there'' he said displeased and Dad read the flyer aloud. The happiest among us was Grandpa Joe and he immediately started celebrating. I knew I would take more hours so I could buy him more chocolate.

I know Nina will let me do it and I am sure like every year she will buy Charlie chocolate. I looked at my family and decided to do my best to get Charlie to go to the factory and see Willy Wonka. Unfortunately, Grandpa George spoiled the good mood

'' I am not if we will succeed. There's a better chance for kids who can pet chocolate every day. Unfortunately you get two maybe three on your birthday. You have my word that the first person will be fat, fat and fat again '' he said in his older voice. I looked at my grandfather disgusted and returned Charlie to my side

'' Everyone has a chance little brother don't lose hope '' I said with a smile

'' Thanks Melody '' he said and hugged me. The rest of our family looked at me proudly. I knew that I would do my best to get Charlie to go to this factory and nothing would change my mind. After a brief conversation, I helped my mother finish dinner and we all sat down at the table.

After lunch I helped Charlie with his homework and went to finish a T-shirt for him for his birthday. I looked into my savings and calculated that after buying the missing fabric I had enough money for two chocolates plus the one I bought yesterday so I had three for him.

He'll get one from Mom and Dad and I'm sure he'll get one or two from Nina so he'll have five or six in total. If only we knew how Grandpa George's words were true but even that wouldn't have dampened my fighting spirit for Charlie to go to the factory.

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