Part 7

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Mia's POV

Only Mike, his dad, Charlie, Grandpa Joe and me were left on our trip. I knew now that Willy would take us where Mike's test would be.

Charlie doesn't have a bad bone in his body and we raised him to be honest and respectful of others. We followed Willy into the evil hallway

'' I don't know why I didn't think of that before '' he said and pressed a button. To our chagrin, the glass elevator opened

'' The elevator is the most efficient way to get around the elevator '' he said and we all went inside.

I stood at the end of the elevator with Willy and Grandpa and Charlie in front of us, Mike and his dad stood at the elevator door. I looked at the wall and was surprised that there were so many buttons.

I didn't know what to think and immediately associated that this was not a normal factory.

Knowing Willy as much as I can I'm sure he found that the elevator doesn't just go up and down. I felt Willy's arm around my waist and leaned a little on him

'' There can't be that many floors here " said Mike

'' How do you know smart pant. This is not a normal elevator it can go sideways, longways, slantways and any other way. All you have to do is push the button and we're off '' said Willy pressing the button.

True to his words we moved quickly sideways and if it wasn't for his hand I would have fallen over. He pulled me to his chest where his leg was between mine.

I blushed a little when I felt his other hand massage my leg. I looked at him and he just gave me a small smile and continued what he was doing. 

After a while we appeared in front of a beautiful view

'' Oo look at that '' said an excited Willy

'' Lady and gentlemen welcome to the fuge mountain '' I said and we saw the Oompa- Loompas working on it. When they saw us they waved at us and only Willy and I waved back.

Not long later the elevator sped up taking us further up. I felt Willy strengthen his grip and start move with his leg rubbing it against my cunt forcing me to squeeze my legs together and hold back a moan. We saw another room with cotton candy

'' I would have to not to talk about it '' he said nervously

'' cotton candy'' I said quietly looking at him and he nodded and we moved on. We saw rooms such as a hospital for dolls and burns, an administrative office with Oompal Lump dressed in a pink suit, or Doris as Willy calls her.

The next room was a very colorful Oompa Loompas were testing out ekploding things, pipes and the like. It was impressive and I could tell everyone enjoyed it except Mika who had a grimace on his face. 

I don't know why he came here if he isn't having a good time and suddenly I felt Willy moving his leg again and I quickly pinched him in the arm. For that I got a slap on the butt and a glare from him and I knew it would end badly for me when we were alone. He decided to speak up

'' Why is everything here meaningless'' he said in a bored voice

'' Candy doesn't matter. For this one, it's candy'' said Charlie and got a proud look from our trio with a smile. Unfortunately Mike didn't finish

'' This is stupid. Candy is a waste of time'' he said angrily and that brought Willy into another memory. After a while Willy sma woke up alone

'' I want to choose a room '' said Mike

'' Choose do  '' said Willy with a dark smirk and I was not surprised by his choice. We ended up in a room with a TV and Willy gave us safety glasses.

He started telling us about his latest experiment and of course Make wanted to be smart. When Willy proved himself right by transporting Chocolate, Mike decided to do something stupid.

After a brief conversation with his dad, Will sent them to Toffee Temple to have Mike regain his height. Willy gave us a somber look and started the trip away. I knew for sure that everything was planned, every room was a test.

I had a very bad feeling about what was going to happen next and I was hoping I was wrong. I looked at Willy's back uncertainly and feeling my eyes on him he looked at them and gave me a dark smirk. 

Shivers run down my spine and I want to run away taking Grandpa and Charlie with me and not looking back.

Willy's  POV

Perfect everything went perfectly. All these spoiled children were taught a lesson for their behavior, and I hoped to learn from their lessons.

I'm proud that Charlie won and that brings me one step closer to make Mia MINE. I can't wait to be alone with her again. I know one thing won't stop me to have her she is My Angel My Chocolate Dove My Jelly Bean My Cocoa Bean and no one can change that.

I'm hoping to find a suitable punishment for her for pinching her, but not because she was acting like a good girl during the entire trip. This pinch I will let go this time but if she does something like that again I will punish her.

Now I have to take care of their family, I have two options if they won't agree to live with me: Pay the parent or kidnap them. After all, no one will believe these poor people that I did something like that or there is a third more normal option.

I'll let the whole family move into the factory and Mia's room will be next to me and theirs away from us. I'll think about it when we get there.

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