Part 9

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A few days later

Mia's POV

It's been a clique of days since our trip to the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory. I can say. Dad got a better job and I got promotions at work thanks to my cooking skills.

Everything was going well for us and I thought less and less about Willy and enjoyed it, I heard he had some problem with chocolate but it wasn't my problem. I was just cooking the next dish for the client and without noticing I started singing.

When I was finished I heard clapping I quickly turned around and Nina with a wide smile

'' You have a beautiful voice Angel '' said Nina and  I blushed heavily

'' Thank you Nina'' I said and put the food   on the plate. I rang the bell for the waitress to pick up the food and I took on the next order.

I looked at her '' Thank you, you are the only person who hears me singing who is not my family '' I said while preparing food. To her surprised face I continued

'' I am shy so I only sing in front of my family '' I said and she nodded with understanding and went to her office. I continued my work humming a song and before I knew it was time for me to go home.

I stayed a little longer to clean the kitchens knowing I didn't have to because Nina had the people to do it, but I wanted to do it myself.

After I was done I hung my apron on the hanger and went to say goodbye to Nina. I met my dad on the way home and we continued the rest of the way together.

When we got back to the smoke, I noticed Charlie wasn't back yet. I know he got a job polishing people's shoes, but he always got home before us. I decided not to worry about it knowing Charlie was responsible and wouldn't do anything stupid.

I walked up to the counter to make the chicken that Nina gave me and my mom was finishing the cabbage soup. Dad bought a loaf of bread on his way home so we had more food.

At that time with Charlie

Some time Later

Mia's POV

I started to worry about Charlie again because it was getting later and later and he still wasn't there. I was about to tell the others I'd go look for him when Charlie walked in with the person I least expected.

I could tell we were all surprised to see Willy enter the house behind Charlie. I know something is going on from the moment I looked into their eyes and I didn't know if it would end well. Charlie looked at us with a broad smile

'' Willy will let us all live in the factory if I agree to be his heir '' he said cheerfully. I looked at them skeptically

'' And what changed his mind about the family '' I asked looking at them with a raised eyebrow.

I could tell they were holding back a bit and after a bit Charlie told us about his expedition with Mr. Wonka. I didn't know what to say and I knew the rest were at a loss for words as well. I looked at Charlie

'' You mean to tell me that you set off with Willy Wonka to another city alone. With a man whose with us only a few hours. What if something were to happen. What would we do if you didn't come back here. Charlie I can tell we are angry with you for not thinking. You could have come for me you know Nina would have let me go '' I said with an angry voice and Charlie lowered his head realizing what he had done. My anger lowered a little

'' Come here '' I said and opened my arms. Without a moment's thought he ran into my hands

'' Promise me you will never do something like that. I wouldn't forgive myself if something bad happened to you. I know the rest of us feel the same way. You are a child with a heart of gold Little One and you are the most important in our lives so promise us '' I said hugging him tightly to me. Charlie strengthened his hug

'' I promise '' he promised with little broken voice and the rest joined in the hug. After a while we pulled away and turned our attention back to Willy who was looking at us with an honest smile.

We started talking about our move to the factory as we prepared dinner. We invited Willy to stay but he declined saying that he had to go back to the factory to get everything ready. Seeing his gaze on me, I said I would walk him to the elevator. We walked a bit and suddenly he stopped

'' I know you are angry with me. I know I made a huge mistake when I wanted to take Charlie away from you. I hope you will find the strength to forgive me and trust me again. I like you Mia and I will try everything to make you forgive me '' he said in a small voice looking down. I hugged him

'' I forgive you Willy because I can see that you regret your actions but that does not mean that I will forget so easily. However, remember to regain my trust you have to earn it hard. As people say broken trust is the hardest to regain '' I said and kissed him on the cheek. I stepped back and he was all red in the face

'' Red tomato '' I laughed a little and he reddened more

'' See you soon '' I said and kissed him on the other cheek after that I went back home.

Willy's POV

Watching her walk home I touched my cheek where she kissed me. I knew I had done the right thing by letting them all move into the factory. They have a strong bond and maybe through them I will learn how good it is to have family by my side.

I knew I had to do everything to regain her trust and that's when I would win her heart. Thanks to Chaarlie, I know she likes me too, but I'd rather hear it from her when she's ready. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I know it will be important and the goal is worthy. I went to the factory and after a small dinner went to bed to get up early in the morning.

I had to plan well for their move to the factory. I still have it in my plan to have her room near me and let her continue to work.

I know that if I try to manage her I will give up more otdune and I don't want that. My new goal is to show her that I am the best option for her and she will not miss anything with me. 

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