Part 13

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Two weeks later

Mia's POV

After a long two weeks and a quick court hearing, Ryder will spend five years in prison and is to pay me $40,00 for violating the order. This sentence could have been longer for what they found in his apartment if I didn't pity his mother. He is to go to forced treatment with a psychologist after his release from prison.

They discovered that he had been following me for a year and a half and had a lot of different photos with me. They discovered his notes in which he planned to kidnap me, force me to marry him and live with him.

I thought I was going to faint when the judge talked about everything they had found in his apartment, and I was grateful that I had my parents, Willy, Liam and Caleb with me in the courtroom.

I left the courtroom as the victor and if he violates the order again he will be sentenced to 7 years and will have to pay me $80,000 and so I hope never to see him again. Everything went back to normal.

Almost back to normal because after the whole situation Willy and Caleb and Liam became more caring and protective of me. Liam continues to teach me self-defense and I've been getting better at it.

He started teaching me different attacks and defenses from different martial arts so that I would always have something in reserve. Caleb sometimes joins in and likes to teach me as well.

Willy has become more tactile and affectionate towards me. I think he got scared that he would lose me and never see me again. Every time he sees me he has to hug me or when we are standing next to each other he has to touch me.

I spend more time with him in the factory and we cuddle while watching movies. We do movie marathons with each other every day and we always end up falling asleep during them so you could say we sleep together. I started to get into a bit of a routine and I liked it a lot.

I hoped that nothing more would stand in our way of happiness. I can honestly admit that I never expected my life to take such a turn, but I won't complain. A wise man once said: The best things come with time and you can't defeat them because you can lose them.

I couldn't agree more. Although I had a feeling that my life would change more in the near future but for the better.

Willy's POV

The last two weeks have been crazy and hard. When I found out what this Ryder had planned for my poor Angel I thought I was going to finish him off myself.

I supported her as much as I could during the trial time and pulled Charlie's thoughts of the whole situation away as best I could. I got the ngo involved in planning a date for me and Mia and he eagerly agreed to help me. I managed to get permission from her dad, grandparents, Caleb and Liam permission to ask her if she would become my girlfriend.

When I got the green light I immediately started planning the perfect date. I hoped everything would go according to plan.

Some time later

Everything is ready, I gave one of the Oompa Loompa a note for her to meet me in the Chocolate Room at 7pm and I had that everything would end well.

Everything is ready, I gave one of the Oompa Loompa a note for her to meet me in the Chocolate Room at 7pm and I had that everything would end well

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