Part 4

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Mia's POV

When Mr. Wonka opened the door no words could describe what I felt when I saw the sight.

I'm sure everyone felt the same way. There was silence for a moment,

" It's so beautiful " said Charlie, and Wonka looked at him

" Yes, it's beautiful," I looked at him, thinking he was talking about his work, but to my surprise he was looking at me.

I blushed and turned my head to the side, but out of the corner of my eye I could see him smiling at me.

He slowly led us far into the room and I knew I would never see anything so magnificent.

I am enchanted by this room and I can say the same about Grandpa and Charlie. However, I was curious how much it took him to build this wonderful room. It brought me back to the question Charlie asked earlier.

However, I could feel Mr. Wonka's glances from time to time. Charlie pulled on my arm so I lowered myself to his level

'' I think Mr. Wonka likes you Zi '' he said testily and I just flicked him on the ear and returned my attention back to the tour. We stopped in a field and Mr. Wonka stood in front of us with a proud smile

'' What you see now is the most important element in the whole factory '' he said and before us was a beautiful waterfall. After a while he continued, 

" The waterfall fashions and mixes chocolate, making it light. Besides, I don't have such waterfalls in other factories, this is the only one in the world '' he told us while mimicking his hands.

In my opinion, his overtitling was adorable and it was clear that he was very passionate about his work. After a moment

'' People look. These pipes distribute chocolate all over the Factory. Thousands of liters in an hour. That's how you like my field '' he said and I wondered what was so special about him and wanted to hit my head right away.

From what I've seen so far, everything here is amazing.

'' Take a piece and try it '' he said

'' We can eat grass? '' Charlie said in surprise and curiosity. Mr. Wonka turned his attention back to him,

'' Of course you can eat grass. Everything in this room is edible. Even I am edible but dear guests this is called cannibalism and it is frowned upon by most of the population. So I wouldn't advise you to try '' he said and I could tell there was something to it

'' Enjoy '' he said but everyone stayed put

'' Go on. Scoot '' he said and they all went their separate ways. I sat not far from the tree after a little walk.

During my walk I saw Mike destroying the candy, Agustus stuffing himself like a pig. Veruca eats a lollipop, I didn't see Violet but I saw Charlie by another tree. If only I had known someone was lurking behind me.

Willy's POV

I watched as all the guests clogged up with my artwork. So far from what I could see only young Charlie is the only worthy person to be my successor.

I was very curious to see how the Golden Ticket finders would pass my tests. I specifically chose each room to test their weaknesses and hope Charlie wins.

He is the only thing guaranteed to keep Mia in the factory with me. I hoped that everything would go according to plan and from what I saw everything is going like clockwork so far.

The only problem with the boy may be his bond with his family but I'll worry about that later. I saw that my Chocolate Dove was not trying anything I decided to change that.

I approached her slowly and she must not have heard me because she jumped up when I appeared beside her. I looked at her with a smile

'' I hope you like everything'' I said

'' Everything looks beautiful '' she said with a beautiful smile. I was proud of myself that she liked it

'' Did you try anything else. Please call me Willy being called Mr. Wonka makes me feel old '' I said. She waved her head no

'' I don't know what to try. Everything looks great '' she said

'' It can't be'' I said and held out my hand toward her. When she took it I led her to my new creation and gave it to her to taste. When she took a bite she closed her eyes and lurched

'' This is over delicious Willy and call me Mia if I have to call you Willy '' she said with a smile. I blushed a little and nodded my head but unfortunately our nice moment was spoiled by one of the girls.

Mia's POV

I went with Willy to see what it was all about and no one saw our proximity except Charlie and Grandpa Joe.

I got testing smiles and thumbs up from them which made me blush a little. Willy started talking about his little employees.

It was very interesting when suddenly we heard Mrs. Gloob's voice

'' Augustus don't do it '' she said worriedly. We looked in his direction and saw him reaching with his hands for chocolate from the river, poor chocolate all infected

'' Young boy my chocolate must not be touched by human hands '' said Willy quickly. To his misfortune it fell into the river and Mrs. Gloop began to panic. She looked at Willy

'' Help him he can't swim. Save him '' Mrs. Gloop said in a panic. When suddenly he was pulled into the tube and I was surprised that he fit into it.

I didn't pay attention to the rest of the conversation because I noticed how the Umpa-Lumpas were making music while they were working.

I was nervous after what had happened to Augustus and began to wonder if coming here was a good idea. After talking for a while, we went on with the tour. After a monotone of silence, Charlie turned his attention to me and Grandpa

'' Agustus will be fine '' he asked us worriedly. I quickly reassured him

'' Everything will be fine with Agustus Charlie. I'm sure of it '' I said with a small smile and we followed the rest of the group. When Charlie wasn't looking I exchanged glances with Grandpa.

" I hope I am right " I thought and followed the rest slowly. Still wondering if coming here was a good idea but I quickly interrupted my train of thought not wanting to ruin the rest of the trip for myself.

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