Part 3

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The next day

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The next day

Mia's POV

I got up early in the morning to prepare da trip to the Factory and meet the famous Willy Wonka I couldn't wait. I dressed in a new set of clothes I had made and when I looked in the mirror I looked very good.

After checking the time and only finding out it was 8:20 I woke up Charlie excited. I helped him pick out appropriate clothes and went downstairs to help my mother with breakfast. I kissed my Grandparents' foreheads

'' Good morning everyone '' I said happily. Mom wiped her hands on a clothand and kissed my forehead

'' Good morning dear. I see you are happy today '' she said with a testing smile. I smiled cheerfully at her

'' Who wouldn't be happy before visiting a place they've always dreamed of '' I said happily and Charlie came downstairs equally happy.

We all sat down to eat and after that we gathered to leave, I kissed my grandparents' foreheads goodbye I set off with my parents, Charlie and Grandapa Joe to the Factory at 9:00 a.m. knowing that there would be a lot of people waiting outside the gate.

When we got there there were a lot of onlookers and the other four who found the Golden Tickets along with their parents.

Some time later

I stood with Charlie and Granpa Joe waiting for the gate to open and couldn't wait to this to happen. I heard Veruca's spoiled voice on my side and knew immediately that we would have trouble with her

'' Daddy what time is it. I want to go inside already '' she said

'' It's 9:59: baby '' said Mr. Salt

'' Make time go faster '' she demanded with a little red face.

I felt sorry for her father, but he is the one who gets for dissolving her and not instituting discipline now has to deal soma with the conenkfences of his actions. Suddenly we heard a voice from the loudspeakers

'' Come forward '' and the gates opened. We all went inside

'' Close the gates '' we heard again from the speakers and with a last glance at the parents the gates closed. We stood in front of the big door when suddenly...

After the magnificent performance that unfortunately lit itself I heard clapping near me and saw a handsome man. He clapped eagerly

'' It was not exquisite. I was a little worried that it was a little dodgy in the middle but then this finaly wow '' he said excitedly and stood in front of us. Everyone looked at him curiously

'' Who are you '' asked Violet unkindly

'' It's Willy Wonka '' said Grandpa Joe happily. Charlie and I looked at the man in front of us

'' Really '' we said together happily. Mr. Wownka stood in front of us

'' Good Morning Sunshine Sun says Hello '' he said innocently and just wanted to hug him. He is just a little Cocoa Bean and che to protect him from this cruel world. He looked at us and held out a small card

'' Dear guests Welcome to my factory. I welcome you nicely by giving you a warm handshake,'' he said and extended his hand forward.

Seeing his irritation I quickly walked over and shook his hand

'' Nice to meet you Mr. Wonka'' I said gently and Charlie and Grandpa quickly followed suit. He smiled at us in acknowledgement

'' my name is Willy Wonka'' he said and tucked his cards away

'' you shouldn't be sitting in the chair '' said Veruca

'' I wouldn't be able to watch the show well if I sat there'' said Mr. Wonka.

Mr. Wonka exchanged a few words and turned his attention to us

'' Follow me we have little time and much to see '' he said and led us inside the factory. As we walked inside, the kids got the idea bay introduce themselves to Mr. Wonka now.

I decided to quickly correct him

'' I'm not Charlie's mom but his older sister Mia '' I said and Mr. Wonka smirked at me

'' Good '' and headed for the door. I looked at my grandfather and was surprised

" What did he mean by good " I thought and followed the rest. If only I had known what awaited me at the end of this trip I would have taken Grandpa and Charlie right out of there.

Willy's POV

What was I thinking through that answer. Why am I happy that she is not married. What it feels like to look at her. I can't deny when I first saw her my breath was taken away and I knew I had to have her.

She looks like an Angel sent from heaven to earth and it sounds like one too. She looks beautiful in her clothes and every now and then I feel the urge to look at her. Her clothes perfectly show off her figure.

I knew I had to impress her and keep her with me at all costs. I know that this will only happen if her brother wins, but it doesn't weigh because she won't leave the factory walls. She is the only person who makes me feel this way besides making chocolate and I will not lose her.

However, for now I have to focus on the tour, hopefully I can catch it alone but I'm not sure if it happens if I can teach my hands by my side and not touch her.

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