Part 10

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Several months later 

Mia's POV

It was a quiet night but I couldn't sleep so I decided to write something in my journal, it is one of my most valuable things. I got it from Nina for my 19th birthday so I could write down my thoughts in it.

Nina knows that I like to sketch, so against my objections since she has known me for 7 or 8 years, she bought me three sketchbooks. I must admit that I started working for her when I turned 16 as a waitress. I opened it carefully and started pouring out my thoughts on paper:

We have already lived in the factory about a few months and I can say that it is nice there. Me and Charlie have our own rooms in the Factory although Willy has by some miracle moved the whole house inside the Factory.

Charlie has gotten into working with Willy very well and sometimes it's hard to pull them away from it to eat something. However, after some reading from me and Mom, they are more diligent about eating something in between work. Thanks to their creative minds, they have come up with great ideas for new sweets that have proven to be a hit in the candy market. From where we moved in, Willy has tried every day to regain my trust and forgiveness even though I told him I forgive him.

That didn't stop him from leaving flowers or chocolate treats every day. He took me on several dates and I had a very nice time with him. Everything in our house was coming back slowly before he made that mistake and I can say that he and my family are happy about it. I'll admit I'm happy about it too, I've also met Willy's dad and he's a kind but serious older man.

Willy also met Nina and we instantly like each other but Nina gave him a talking to so he wouldn't hurt me again. His face at that moment was hilarious and I will always remember it. Fortunately for me, it was nearing summer and it was getting warmer and the days were getting longer. Don't take me wrong I love hot chocolate after work but I prefer warmer climates. It was also safer for  to come home from work when it was light than in the dark.

Fortunately for us, the other tour participants did not do anything against Willy. I suspect that every parent has seen their mistakes in raising their children, and hopefully they can change that. Age is not important if you want to change your life or behavior for the better.

When I asked Willy about what happened to the spoiled children he admitted that they were testy but had everything secured so that no harm would come to them. He admitted to me that Mike and Violet were back to normal 2 months after the incident. I knew that each of the children would not forget the lessons they had learned at the factory. I could honestly say that life was going well for us and I wouldn't want to change that

After I finished my writing I looked at my watch and it was 12:00 at night. I was surprised that it was already that hour and decided to go to sleep because I had work at 8:00 am and I have to get up at 6:30 am to make it on time.

The restaurant is 15 minutes from the factory on foot and opens at 8:00 am but I prefer to be five or ten minutes before opening to help with what I need.

The next day 

To my surprise, I got up five minutes before the alarm rested and ready to work. I jumped in for a quick shower and got dressed, went down to the dining room for breakfast and was surprised that I was the only one awake. I looked at my wrist watch that I got from Willy for Valentine's Day.

I wanted to give it back to him but the stubborn man didn't want to hear it and threatened if I didn't stop he would buy me something more expensive. Instead, I bought him something in his style and baked him one of my desserts. And I can honestly say he ate it all by himself in not a whole 15 minutes. 

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