Part 8

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Mia's POV

When we left the room Willy looked at us '' That's how many kids we have left'' he said

'' Charlie is the last one '' said Grandpa Joe. Willy looked at us

'' What happened to the rest '' he asked

'' It doesn't matter. You my dear boy have won. Congratulations '' he answered himself shaking Charlie's hand.

He looked at me and hugged me and twisted I let out a small surprised scream and Willy led us towards the elevator.

As we approached the ceiling I pulled Charlie to me

'' If we die I will kill you and torture you through indefinitely '' I said seriously to Willy.

I strengthened my grip on Charlie and squeezed my eyes tightly we broke through the ceiling as we gasped I said all the prayers I know in my head. Suddenly Willy pushed some button and we stopped in mid-air

'' You are crazy Willy Wonka. I will kill you if you do something like that again'' I said seriously and he just looked at me. We looked at the other participants and they looked like they got what they deserved

'' Where do you live '' asked Willy

'' Over there in that little house '' said Charlie pointing in the direction of our house. As we neared the house

'' I hope you know how to land this'' I said and when I got no answer I looked at him. We were already close

'' Please be careful on the roof '' I managed to say before we broke through. When the door opened everyone looked at us frightened

'' Hi Mom '' Charlie said cheerfully and went to her. Dad came up to me and hugged me when I got out of the elevator

'' All is well Angel '' he asked and I nodded. Charlie continued

'' Mom Dad this is Willy Wonka. He gave us a ride home '' said Charlie

'' We can see that '' said Dad looking at the ceiling. After a moment of silence Charlie continued

'' Mr. Wonka says I won something '' he said happily and I had a very bad feeling about it.

Watch from 0:47 to 2:40

When Willy told of his intentions I knew Charlie would disagree. We had grown up with the teaching that nothing was more important than our family and I knew Willy wouldn't like that answer. After Charlie gave his opd, Willy looked at me

'' Mia '' he said

'' If you think I will leave my family for you Mr. Wonka then you are the biggest idiot I have ever met. Certainly not after you tested those children. You think I didn't notice but I knew it was a test from the incident with Violet. I didn't say anything so as not to ruin Charlie and Grandpa Joe's trip. I would rather live under a bridge than lose them, and it will be better if you leave '' I said seriously while holding back tears.

Mr. Wonka looked at me brokenly and went back to his elevator

'' What happened at the factory Dear children '' my mother asked calmly and we told them everything. They all agreed with me that it looked like a test and were glad that nothing happened to us. After a moment of silence,

'' Things will change for the better '' said Grandma Georgina with a smile. I headed to my and Charlie's room

" I hope you're right "  Grandma thought and decided to get some sleep. One thing I knew I could not break down I must continue to take care of my family. Until my dad finds a new job I am the only person supporting my family and I will not let them suffer.

I need to forget about Willy Wonka and focus on the future than the past. I knew I had to go to work tomorrow and I also knew that Nina would want to know how the trip went.

The next day

I got up this morning and got ready for work( Image above and yamor glasses) I put on a white sweater and went down to breakfast.

After a nice but short conversation over breakfast, I set off for work knowing that Dad and Charlie would be repairing the roof today. I decided to make my way to work knowing that people might ask me about the factory and I entered through the back entrance of the restaurant.

I went to Nina's office and dam talked to her and asked if I could only work in the kitchen for a few days. Luckily for me, the cook reported sick so they will need help in the kitchen.

I love to cook but I love making desserts the most, many climates/guests praised my baked goods for this Nina has me make at least two kinds of cakes or other desserts a day. 

I'm reluctant to admit that my thoughts kept returning to Willy, but I shook it off immediately knowing that I would never see him again. If only I knew what was in store for me in the midst of it all

Willy's POV

Fuking damn This is not how it was supposed to go. I thought after seeing my factory they would want to stay with me. I was sure of it after I saw their house. It seems that I didn't take into account their loyalty and love for their family.

I won't let go not if i'm that close. I have to somehow convince them to come live with me I will even sacrifice it and let their family live with us.

I will give them their own rooms Charlie with the elders will live on one side of the room and Mia my sweet Mia will have a room not far from me.

Mia my chocolate, My Dove, My Cocoa Bean in the middle you will be with me and I will not let you go from me and we will be together forever.

I will give them a few days of peace to lull their vigilance. This is how it will surely work and nothing will stand in my way to achieve my goal.

Just wait, my Princess, you will soon be where you belong, by my side. All those who oppose you will regret it, you have my word.

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