5.5 Cuddle Puddle

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Leo neatly folded his blankets and gently set his pillows atop. He carefully carried the pile out to the living room before planning out where he would lay.

Spreading his pile on the far right, closest to the entrance, he questioned why Mikey hadn't told him earlier. If they were to work effectively and efficiently as a team, every little issue needs to be discussed immediately and eliminated as such.

He was glad that no one objected to his plan, however. In fact, nobody has objected to his plans in ages. Were they that good, or was he not approachable anymore?

He shook his head.

Everything's fine, nothings gone wrong in a while and no one's complaining. Things are fine the way they are.


Donny stuffed a few blankets into a basket and set his pillow on top, lifting it with ease and heading off to the living room. He saw Leo setting up in his usual spot, so he placed his items to the left of his brother.

He worried over Mikey, only three hours? It was a concerning lack of sleep given Mikey's usual sleep cycles. He should've told someone, told Donny, last night. The purple clad turtle was awake, he could've helped!

Sure, maybe he didn't have much room to talk, given his usual sleep habits, but he was used to operating on less than optimal sleep! His brothers are more important anyhow.

That's how it's always been, and it's worked so far. Sure it's not the most healthy, but if it ain't broke, why fix it?


Raph grabbed his throw blanket and pillow, already knowing that Mikey brought more than enough fluffy and soft stuff to suffocate them all in their sleep.

He just wanted Mikey back to normal. It's so easy to tell when he fakes nightmares (his dramatic flare cueing in the turtle) and it always coincides when one or more of team is feeling down.

So to see his brother so genuinely tired and downtrodden was a shock to Raph's system. Tonight, he was going to fix it and then everything will be back how it should be.

Though, how was he supposed fix this?


The four turtles cuddled close together, Mikey not pulling any stops when it came to comfort. Each brother had a mountain of pillows and blankets to choose from.

Donny leaned to his right, on Mikey, who leaned back on him. Leo reclined back onto a pillow, leisurely lifting the remote to start the movie.

The boys watched in silence, snuggling into each other's warmth, comfort in knowing they're all there, safe and together.

Donny couldn't resist the lull of sleep and soon fell unconscious, falling over into his brother's lap.

Raph looked over at his brothers and noticed that one was already asleep. He watched Mikey pull some blankets over their brother, making sure that every possible discomfort was eradicated, turning his attention to Leo after awhile.

Leo was already nodding off, hardly keeping his head up after starting the second movie. Raph watched him stretch and change position, curling up on his side, undoubtedly falling asleep.

Mikey, however, didn't seem tired.

When the movie ended, Leo didn't move, so Raph put in the next movie, a random one he grabbed from the top. He covered Leo up some more and returned to his spot by Mikey. He took a breath.

"Usually, I can tell when you're faking it,"

He pulled his blanket back over his lap.

"I don't think Donnie and Leo ever caught on, so I never said anything. Can't really say no to the puddle," He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"But, this time was different." The ninja studied at his feet, trying to puzzle out his next statement the best he could.

"Y'know? I- I could never really understand how you knew, how you figured out what we needed, and when, but you always knew. And we were better for it." He tapped his fingers together.

"But this time, you, well, you started it like usual, but, then...then you, you weren't lying." He released the breath he was holding, sitting up a bit straighter.

"I mean, if it really was just a nightmare, that's one thing, but if-if it's anything more..." He thought for a moment, struggling to find the words he wanted.

"Just- just tell someone? Yeah, tell someone. And I get it if it's not me, I don't have the best track record, but let someone know, please?" He glanced at Mikey, hoping his message was properly conveyed.

"We- I can't- I hate seeing you like this," the turtle held his brother's gaze.

And then Mikey smiled. A gentle, tiny smile, one that struggled to be, one that gave Raph a feeling of sadness that was too fleeting to grasp, a feeling that he couldn't quite explain.

"Okay Raphie, I will,"

The uneasy feeling that Raph had before left in an instant, replaced by the comfort of familiarity.

"I told you not to call me that!" He said, playfully nudging his brother.

They sat and watched the remainder of the movie in silence, Mikey falling asleep at some point. Raph watched him for awhile, not being able to shake the feeling that there was a wall between him and his brother, one he couldn't break down.

He sighed and turned on his side, pulling a blanket over himself, before drifting off to sleep.

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