Sixty-One: Flash Bang

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>>TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains mentions of severe burn injury and implied death. Read with caution.<<



Mikey felt sluggish. His body was so heavy. It was too loud. He pushed himself up anyway, fighting off the headache that ripped through his skull. The faint smell of smoke drifted into Mikey's awareness.

He opened his eyes, forcing them to adjust to the environment, as his hearing slowly faded back in. His vision focused and...he shot up. Fire. The building was on fire. The building full of dry dead foliage was on fire

Glancing around, his gaze landed on Goo, lying motionless on the ground. Mikey rushed over, checking over his friend. Their clothes were burnt and falling apart, their tattered shirt revealing a star-shaped mass of melted flesh on Goo's torso. It nearly made Mikey throw up. Other burns branched out from that central point, one reaching up far to their chin. Mikey couldn't tell if they were breathing. 

He looked around frantically, hoping anyone else was awake. His stomach lurched. Despite how awful Goo looked, it appeared that they were much better off than Tiger Claw.

He started coughing, seeing that the fire around him was growing, filling the warehouse up with smoke. Why did it have to be fire? Why was it always fire!? 

He couldn't breathe. How was he supposed to get Goo out of here? Where was everyone else? God, it was starting to get so hot.

Suddenly, a mask slammed over his face, fresh oxygen filling his lungs. He quickly looked to his side, seeing Tello securing another mask to Goo's face, his goggles down and scanning the damage. Speaking of eyes, Mikey's were starting to burn, tears welling up in them. Tello picked Goo up carefully, nodding to Mikey. 

It wasn't easy getting out of the building, Mikey was tethered to Tello, who was carrying Goo. The trees were creaking dangerously, and lit branches fell around them. Tello more or less made his own exit, the stability of the building be damned as long as they were out of there. 

Mikey was relieved to be out of the brush, but they were still in the thicket, hearing the sounds of coughing as they approached the rest of the team. Mikey removed the mask on his face, his brothers tackling him into a hug as soon as he was free.

"Thank the gods!" Leo whispered, squeezing the breath out of Mikey, letting go when he started coughing. Donny started checking him, counting the number of small burns adorning his skin and shell. Mikey waved them off making his way to Leon and Tello, who were checking over Goo.

"Do you guys have a bathtub?" Leon asked without looking up, checking Goo's pulse. Mikey hummed affirmative, turning to the side to cough. "April's on her way with your guys' turtle tank, Don, dial Cass for me,"

Tello did as asked, handing his phone to Leon.  

"Cass? Fill the bathtub with cold water. Yes, cold. You'll see when we get there. Get the gauze ready. Bye," Leon sighed, rubbing his face. His leg was shaking and Mikey noticed that his knee brace was burnt as well, "Dee, we need IV fluids,"

"Leave it to me," Tello responded, standing up, "I'll get it,"

"How?" Leon asked. Their eyes met and they seemingly came to an understanding, "Okay, be careful,"

Tello simply nodded, activating his battle shell and disappearing into the night. They all waited impatiently until the Shell Raiser screeched to a halt in front of the alleyway. Sirens started sounding in the distance, hastening their pace. They couldn't all fit in the vehicle, so Other April took Goo (obviously), Leon (on-site medic), Leo (healing hands), and Mike (on-site therapist). The rest had to make their way home on foot, staying out of sight of the cops and fire trucks that were making their way to the burning warehouse.

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