Thirty-Two: Remember to Breath

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Goo was singing quietly, their voice echoing eerily around the room. It was a slight comfort as Mikey made his way across the support beam. The Other Mikey was much more comfortable with heights than he was as if gravity was a non-issue for him.

"Here!" Other Mikey whispered, stopping by the chain holding up Goo's cage, "We just gotta get down there,"

Mikey glanced down at the cage, then pulled out his chain chuck. He tossed it up, wrapping it around a metal beam.

"I'll go down there and grab them," Mikey whispered back to him.

"Oh yeah! And I'll pull you guys back up!"

"Pull us back up?" Mikey asked, "Can you do that?"

"Can I do that?" Other Mikey giggled, "You'll see,"

Deciding to leave it at that, Mikey began lowering himself down to the cage. As Goo's voice got closer, Mikey's feet hit the top of the cage, making it sway. Goo fell silent.

"Goo?" Mikey watched as Goo jumped, hitting their head on the top of the cage.

"Mikey? How did you get here?" Goo asked, rubbing their head. Mikey got to work on the lock.

"We followed you," He whispered, "Jumped through the portal just in time,"

He swung the door open, stabilizing himself against the cage. He opened his arms, gesturing at Goo to come closer. They cautiously crept forward and wrapped their arms around his neck. They both swung as Goo shifted their weight from the cage onto Mikey.

Mikey took the chain and wrapped it around the both of them. Once he was sure it would hold them, he signaled up at the Other Mikey. Suddenly, they were flying upwards much faster than expected.

"Woah!" Mikey gasped, nearly hitting his head on the beam. Just as suddenly as they were moving, they stopped, swinging back and forth in the high beams of the building.

Mikey glanced over at the Other Mikey, utterly stunned. Other Mikey simply grinned at the pair, smug and accomplished.

"That was you?" Goo asked breathlessly, noticing Other Mikey as well. He smugly nodded, reaching a hand out toward them. Mikey grabbed it, reaching his foot out to touch the support beam.

Heading back was more stressful than coming in, mostly because Goo didn't trust themself to walk along the beam. However, they made it back to the balcony safely.

"Leo! I'm gonna go up top!" Other Mikey said, already making his way onto the roof.

"Okay, Mike! Have fun!" 

Mikey sat against the wall with Goo, noticing that they were looking at Other Leo. He glanced between the two.

"That's Leo," Mikey whispered to them, "This dimension's Leo. I think we all are in this dimension,"

"I think," Goo whispered, pointing to the Other Leo, "I think he's gay,"


"I'm gonna ask him," Goo decided. They waved at Other Leo, getting his attention. Once he was looking, they began mouthing words at him and dropping their hand forward. Mikey was incredibly confused.

What was even more confusing, was that Other Leo seemed to understand what they were trying to say. He mouthed words back, nodding and dropping his hand the same way Goo did. Then he squinted his eyes and pointed toward Goo, making the same strange motion with his hand.

Goo eagerly nodded, gesturing not only to themself but Mikey as well. They both had a silent celebration, excitedly waving their hands. Other Leo glanced over at Raph, before walking over and sitting down beside Goo.

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