Twenty Seven Days

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"Mmm," Mikey hummed, cuddling further into his lover's arms, mumbling nonsense to the gator trying to get his attention.

"Michelangelo, you need to wake up," Leatherhead rumbled, gently shaking the turtle.

Mikey let out a groan of protest and snuggled deeper into his cozy embrace, making Leatherhead chuckle softly while he caressed the surface of Mikey's shell. He traced little patterns into it, wondering what he could do to wake him up.

Smiling deviously, he decided to change his tactics, nudging the turtle with his snout. He began to lick up the side of Mikey's head and neck, pulling him as close as possible when he tried to wriggle away.

"Ahh! Leatherhead!" Mikey giggled, struggling against the gator, "Stop it! I'm up! I'm up!"

After releasing him, Leatherhead grinned at Mikey's disgruntled face. The alligator then playfully bumped their noses together and looked at his partner with a loving gaze, which made Mikey chuckle in amusement.

"I'm up, so whaddya want?" Mikey asked. Leatherhead sat up, gently pushing Mikey off his lap. He started making his way to the kitchen.

"I would like you to tell me what upset you last night," 

Mikey flinched, but Leatherhead continued.

"Last night, when you came home, you just...looked so tired," Leatherhead said lowly, "I am wondering if everything is okay between you and your brothers?"

Mikey didn't want to remember what happened last night, he wanted to forget everything and live in sweet, ignorant bliss.

"It couldn't have gone worse," Mikey sighed.

Leo and Raph were not in a good mood when they got home, in fact, the room they were in was so incredibly suffocating, Mikey was convinced they managed to make a vacuum in the lair.

Donny, seemingly not taking notice of the mood in the room or simply too excited to care, rushed out of the dojo to greet them.

"Guys! Great news!" Donny shouted, sliding to a stop in front of his other brothers. Immediately, they stopped what they were doing and focused their attention on him.

"What? What happened?" Leo asked, his voice sounding raspy. It made Mikey want to curl up and hide.

"I know where Mikey is!" 

"What!?" Raph shouted, leaping over the couch at Donny, grabbing him by the shoulders, "You found him!?"

"Yes! I did!"

"Well, where is he!?" 

"He's close," Donny said, a mischievous grin on his face, "I could take you to him!"

"Well, what are we waiting for!?" Leo shouted, joining the two, "Let's go!"

After taking a deep breath, Mikey stepped back from the doorway and nervously tapped his fingers together. He looked at Goo, who smiled encouragingly. Casey gave him a thumbs up.

Donny led his brothers into the dojo, confusion apparent in their features. 

"Donny, what-" Leo stopped in his tracks, catching sight of his baby brother. Raph saw him too, looking on the verge of tears. 

Before Mikey could smile and wave awkwardly, he was crushed in a tight hug. Raph had him trapped, pressing him to his chest. Mikey knew he could feel his heartbeat, strong and steady and alive, he was here in the physical, just as he should be.

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