Fifty-Five: Fix Yourself

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New York was shining as always, people littering the streets like dandelions in a field, moving about like leaves down a stream. It was quiet for New York; as if the city was waiting for something. For something important.

Goo was to Mikey's left, Casey on his right. They were the main players. While the rest of the team engaged the enemy, the three were responsible for rescuing Goo's parents and getting them out through any means necessary. No biggie. No pressure.

"The A.C.E. says they're on the east side of the building," Goo whispered, looking up from the tablet Tello provided them with, "I think they're locked in a room, should be easy to get in,"

Waiting for this wasn't easy. 

The ride home from the park was silent, the sun threatening to peak above the horizon. They got back to good news though, the Donnys were making fantastic progress on the retro-mutagen! Bad news, they only had tomorrow to get it. Well, twenty and half hours, more or less, but who was counting?

The idea that Goo could stay behind was dead in the water before it could even be suggested. They made that very clear. Instead, Leon gave the Donnys a pair of pocket portals to use if they weren't in the lair when they finished, which pleased Goo.

Rest wasn't going to come easy either, neither Goo nor Mikey was able to rest, even though they were in Mikey's room. Mikey could tell it was taking a toll on Goo. They were constantly readjusting, staring off into space, exhausted churrs rumbling from their chest. It hurt to hear.

So, Mikey suggested they relocate to the kitchen.

"What are you two doing up?" Mike asked, appearing when the two were about halfway through their cups of hot chocolate. He didn't look too good either, eye bags hanging from his eyes and a twitch in his step.

"Getting something warm to drink," Mikey answered, "Do you want some?"

Mike accepted the drink, quietly sipping along with the other two. 

"Goo," Mike said eventually, "I think I may have misjudged the situation with your parents,"

Goo nodded, too tired to do much talking.

"We're gonna have to do a lot more work, huh?"

"Work?" They asked, glancing at Mike.

"Yeah, like, to make things better," Mike answered, "With your parents,"

"Like, saving them? Yeah, that's gonna be a lot of work,"

"No! Like fixing things between you guys!" Mike said, setting his mug down, "It sounds like we've got a lot to work through-"

"Woah! Slow down bud!" Goo set their cup down as well "'Fix things?', 'We?' Mike, no, we're not doing that,"

"What do you mean we're not doing that?"

"I mean, we're not doing that!" Goo snapped, "Listen, I get that you want to help, but this isn't something that you can fix,"

Mike looked at them like they insulted his family.

"What do you mean I can't fix it?" He asked, "I fixed my family, and they were pretty messed up! Barry threw Leo off a roof!"

"Mike-" Mikey tried to interject.

"Mike, I appreciate the optimism, but I know these people," Goo sighed, "A 'fam talk' isn't gonna help. Dr. Feelings isn't gonna help. This isn't something that we can just magically fix with the power of friendship or whatever!"

"But I've done it before!" Mike insisted, "I can handle this!"

"Mike, you're like fourteen, not a certified psychologist!" Goo rebutted, "This is something that would take years to fix if the people involved even wanted to fix it!"

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