Thirty-Three: No Tears Left to Cry

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The figure on the bed stirred, a low grumble resounding from their throat. Mikey perked up, stumbling from the chair he was dozing on, rushing to the side of the bed. He held his breath as he glanced down at the figure, releasing a sigh as they remained unconscious.

He placed the back of his hand on their forehead, noting that their fever has lessened. Slumping down into a nearby chair, he studied the figure for the umpteenth time.

The green of their skin was a reflection of his own, even having his signature freckles dotting their left cheek. Only on their left cheek, though. The hair had gone from their head, their five fingers melted into three, their torso sheltered by a newly grown shell, and their feet had widened and flattened out.

It was unreal.

Goo had fallen unconscious during their mutation, their temperature at a concerningly high level. There wasn't anything that could be done on the scene, however, the group needed to leave as soon as possible. They were lucky that Other Raph was as much of a powerhouse as he was, able to carry Goo and his brother.

As soon as they were out of range of the 'Mystic Magic Dampener', Other Leo was able to slice open a portal, the group retreating to the Other Turtle's home. Despite his own pain, he was adamant that he treats Goo. He waved his brothers off, swallowing down a painkiller.

Dehydration, fever, and possibly fatigue or exhaustion, all seemingly symptoms of their circumstances. Other Leo decided that they needed rest and some IV fluids. The fact that they actually had IV fluids was overshadowed by the fact that Other Leo could professionally insert an IV.

These turtles were on a different level.

All there was to do afterward was wait. Everyone else talked over how the day went, but Mikey wasn't interested. He sat in silence beside his friend.

He nibbled on some food they gave him and gave non-answers to their questions until they decided to leave him be. He was given a blanket and asked to get some sleep before everyone else retired for the night.

The IV was empty and the clock indicated that it was mid-morning. There was noise outside of the Med-bay, at least two people were awake and moving about the lair. Goo stirred again, stretching and groaning. They reached down to the blanket draped over their legs and pulled it over their head.

Mikey couldn't help but snicker.

The Med-bay door slid open, and a colorful turtle slipped in. He nodded to Mikey and made his way to the medicine cabinet, selecting a bottle and casually popping a couple of what was inside. 

"How are they?" 

Mikey glanced up as he approached, gesturing to the bed. He peered over at them, letting out an amused huff at the sight. He rested a hand on Mikey's shoulder and inspected the screen displaying their vitals.


"Call me Leon," He smiled down at him, "Y'know, to get rid of confusion,"

"Right, Leon," Mikey amended, trying his best to return the smile, "I think they're gonna wake up soon, and I..."

"Nervous?" Leon asked, "Don't be, I'll do all the talking. I am the Medic after all,"

Mikey slowly nodded, his gaze drifting back down to Goo. Guilt ripped through his system. He couldn't even do something as simple as tell them what happened.

"I've gotta change that fluid, replace it with saline maybe?" Leon hummed, rubbing his chin, "Can you go grab Tello? Uh, my Donny, he's probably in his lab,"

Mikey nodded, making his way out of the Med-bay. He glanced around his surroundings, identifying the most lab-like room.

Mikey was rather impressed with the Other Turtle's lair, not only each brother having their own spacious sub car as their room, but having a designated room for their medical emergencies, (They just used the lab). He had stayed in the Med-bay overnight, but he was semi-conscious of the fact that they rolled in another car for him and his brothers to use in the meantime.

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