Twenty Five Yokai

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The warehouse was fitted with state of the art locks and security, installed by none other than Donatello and Rockwell. If only the Mutanimals knew how to actually activate the security, which was ironic considering one of their members was Rockwell himself. 

Mikey opened the usual side door, nearly out of his mind with nervousness. Goo followed him closely, curiously glancing all around the room.

"Mondo! Now's not the time for joking!" Slash's booming voice echoed, making the pair jump. "Raph wants us to take this seriously!"

"Come on, dude!" Responded Mondo's exasperated voice, "He always freaks out when Mikey leaves the lair! My dude probs just wanted some space without his bros breathing down his shell!"

"He still disappeared without a trace, Mondo," Came Rockwell's steady voice. Mikey was confused how the mind reader hadn't sensed them coming in yet, but he's not about to act like he knows how that stuff works. "No matter his reasons,"

"Dudes, he's a ninja," Mondo said, tapping the table with a claw, "I'm just saying that he's gonna be fine! Leatherhead, back me up here!"

Leatherhead rumbled unhappily, his tail swishing back and forth.  He remained silent for a few moments, letting out a heavy sigh.

"I trust Michelangelo," He finally said, "He told me he was coming back. I believe him. I do not wish to day this again,"

"How do you know he's actually gonna come back?" Pete screeched, flapping around Leatherhead's head. Mikey could tell that the bird man was irritated, refusing to sit still for even a moment.

Mikey snuck up to the group, taking a seat at the table. Somehow, no one noticed. Goo lingered behind, watching the scene with a curious amusement.

"What if he's not okay!? What if he's hurt!?" Pete's head hit the hanging light, sending him back to the ground.

"I think I'm okay," Mikey added casually, the mutants around him too wound up to notice who was speaking.

"See? He's fine!" Mondo shouted, before freezing on the spot, "He's fine?"

The group turned to the turtle, processing what they were seeing, before erupting into joy. Mikey was immediately tackled into a hug by the gecko, the others gathering around, asking question after question.

"Mikey! Are you okay?" Pete asked.

"Where were you, Michael?" Was Rockwell's question.

"What were you thinking!?" Slash's question was accompanied with a firm shake of the shoulder, Mondo still not letting go.

"Michelangelo," Leatherhead purred, "It's good to see you,"

Mikey looked down shyly, returning Mondo's crushing embrace. The turtle was incredibly happy to have such a welcome, and seeing Leatherhead just made him all the more giddy.

"It's good to see you, too," Mikey answered, smiling up at the gator.

"Mike, not to interrupt, but...I'm gonna need introductions soon," 

Goo's voice cut clear and crisp through the chaos, turning all attention to them. They nervously shuffled from foot to foot, giving a small wave.

"Right! Right," Mikey tried to pry himself away from Mondo, and when that failed, he simply tugged the gecko towards Goo.

"Okay, Goo, these are the Mutanimals," Mikey presented the Gecko in his arms, "This is Mondo, he's super cool! He's the best skateboarder in New York!"

Goo nodded, turning their gaze to rest of the team.

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