Thirteen Ways to Thrive

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Leatherhead's claw rubbed slow circles into his hand, sending goosebumps down Mikey's shell. He held the gator's gentle gaze, which was, as always, filled with acceptance and affection. His breath caught in his throat, struggling to swallow and fighting the urge to sink his teeth into Leatherhead's body.

"I do hope you can agree with me, Michelangelo," His deep voice rumbled through Mikey's body, making him aware of his closeness once again. He nearly churred at the gator.

Before Mikey could respond, someone started frantically pounding on the door. Startled out of the moment, Leatherhead shifted Mikey off his lap and made his way over.

"Oh! Donatello, what brings-"

"Hey! Leatherhead, how ya doing? Good? Good! Anyway, have you seen Mikey anywhere? He's not answering his phone and-"

Donny kept rambling, not seeming to notice how Leatherhead was trying to cut in. Mikey smacked the sides of his face, shoving down all the thoughts of the things he and Leatherhead could do alone.

"Mikey? Is everything all right over there?" Goo called out over the line.

"Sorry Goo! I've gotta go, but I'll talk to ya later, okay?" Mikey said quietly into his phone, scrambling to grab his things, "Donny came looking for me,"

"Ooh,you're good, you're good. I'll see ya Mike,"

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later," He responded, "Oh yeah! And Goo?"


"Thank you," He whispered, "I mean it,"

"Of course," They replied, "Anytime,"

Mikey hung up the phone, smiling as the screen faded. An annoyed grumble from Leatherhead brought him back to the moment, finally turning his attention to his brother.

Leatherhead's tail waved back and forth, a sight that Mikey thought was absolutely adorable. He tried to stifle his laughter, watching the larger mutant flail arms, still failing to catch Donny's attention.

"I'll be out in a minute, Don!" Mikey shouted, startling the other two, "I just gotta grab my stuff!"

He finished packing up, hearing Donny apologizing to Leatherhead in the background. He swiftly made his way to the exit, kicking his board up into hands.

"...I'm glad that the controller is working well! Just let me know if anything needs work,"

"Yes, of course. It is very convenient for me," Leatherhead turned his attention to Mikey, "You're ready to leave, Michelangelo? I'll see you later,"

The gator looked down at him, a small grin adorning his features. Mikey returned the smile and embraced the larger mutant. The hug lingered for moment, the turtle not entirely willing to let go, to go home. Alas, he couldn't hold on forever.

"Thanks, Leatherhead," He whispered, "See you later,"

He separated from the mutant, waving as he walked out the door. Donny nodded at the gator, who waved back as he closed the door.

The two turtles made their way through the defenses in silence, Mikey walking ahead. He didn't feel like talking to his brother, didn't feel like getting lectured again.

However, he couldn't delay the inevitable.

"You know, you really have to stop disappearing like that," Donny said, "I'm getting reeeeeeeeeaaal tired of having to find you,"

Mikey groaned internally.

"Didn't you put a tracker in my phone?" He asked, "Just use that,"

He heard Donny stop walking for a moment, before approaching faster to catch up to him. He was grabbed by the shoulder and turned around.

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