Sixty-Three: It's Not Goodbye. I'll See You Later

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"Careful," Cass said, "You don't want to stretch too far-"

"I've got it," Goo giggled, slowly easing into the next stretch. The sight brought a smile to Mikey's face. Turning back to his own exercises, he took a deep breath, still feeling the sting in his lungs. 

"You alright, Mikey?" Leo asked, tapping Mikey's shell.

"I'm good," He answered, rubbing his chest, "Still a little sore is all,"

"I see," Leo hummed, "You can go after you finish your stretches and get some water,"

Mikey nodded, leaning over his legs. He was starting to get stiff after not being allowed to train for the past few days, and even after complaining about it, the family was still a little hesitant to let him join. Goo was getting antsy being stationary too, begging to just stretch with them. That seemed to be a good alternative for the team, so they were allowed to do that.

"Oh!" Goo fumbled for their phone, answering it while struggling to stand, "Hey, did you two make it back home safe? Yeah? Nah, I'm doing good,"

Cass helped them out of the dojo, Goo chatting with their parents. It had taken a lot of convincing, and a few breakdowns, for Goo to get their parents to go home. Not that anyone could blame the pair, their kid was being left behind with still-healing burns and singed lungs. Once it was clear that the turtles were able to properly treat Goo, the parents finally left. Of course, Goo wasn't going to go a day without a phone call from them, their mom calling twice an hour apart on the plane. So much for airplane mode.

Goo thankfully didn't have any permanent tremors, their hands only shaking when they were tired. However, the burns, especially the ones on their chest, are going to take months to fully heal, and even then, it wasn't going to be the same. Healing physically was the easy part though, as Mikey knew Goo was struggling to sleep at night. That was a struggle they both had in common, so Mikey spent quite a few nights sitting up with them, just talking.

He wished he could help more, but Goo needed space to process the fire. He'd be there once those flames settled.

In the meantime, Tello had started making and testing several portal devices, basing them on Leon's portals. Judging by the occasional explosion and cry of joy, testing was going smoothly. Portaling to different places in the same universe was easy enough, but cutting a hole into the fabric of time and space was a bit more complicated. Nothing the Dons couldn't figure out, they loved a challenge. 

Mikey turned to inform Leo he was done, only to find him once again talking to Usagi. He wasn't surprised, the two were getting along well. It's like they've known each other for years. Maybe they knew each other in a past life, meeting again in these new, strange circumstances. Would that make them soulmates? 

Whatever, it wasn't his business anyway. He left without talking to Leo, making his way to the kitchen. What should he make? Breakfast pizza? Gummy bear pancakes? Ramen? He totally forgot about Mike, who was in the kitchen making an entire feast for the team. 

"Michael, you appear to be free, excellent," Tello said from behind him, "May I request you gather everyone? I have exciting news!"



"Does Tello always do this when he has something to show everyone?" Leo asked, watching as Tello set up for his display.

"Yeah, just go with it," Leon answered, "It makes him feel useful,"

"Alright!" Tello shouted, gaining the attention of the room, "First and foremost, I would like to demonstrate mine and Donatello's new patented invention, the Inter-Dimensional Portal Maker, made for easy convenient use,"

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