Our Main Protagonist: Yami Akuma (Bio)

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Hello readers! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Here is your late Christmas present from me. A rebooted/remastered version of my Splatoon Harem x Human story. Hope you'll enjoy.

Full Name: Yami Seishin Akuma

Age: 17 (12, 017 years old in Splatoon years)

Aliases/Nicknames: Yami, Mr.Akuma, Son, Little bro, Sweetie, Demon, The Devil's child, Brat, Freak, Devil, Monster, Human, The Last Human, Meat Bag, Honey, Cutie, Sweetheart, Babe, My Hero, The Ink Warrior, Yam Yam, Inkopolis' Hero, Jerk, Asshole, Agent 24, The Ink Demon, The Symbol of Hope, The Warrior of Inkopolis, The Survivor, Terrorist, The Lightning Man, Evil Bastard, Murderer, The Demon of Empire City, False Shepherd

Species/Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Eye & Hair Color: Black


Personality: Cold-hearted, Serious, Determined, A little bit caring, Heroic, Dark and Violent, Smart, Prideful, Sorta emo, Stubborn, Brave, Loyal, Calm and Collected, A bit kind, Tough, Merciless, Brutal, Depressed, Hurt, Sorta evil

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Personality: Cold-hearted, Serious, Determined, A little bit caring, Heroic, Dark and Violent, Smart, Prideful, Sorta emo, Stubborn, Brave, Loyal, Calm and Collected, A bit kind, Tough, Merciless, Brutal, Depressed, Hurt, Sorta evil

Likes: His Girlfriend; Skylar Mizuki, Peace and Quiet, Food; especially Noodles, Reading, Drinking Tea, Being alone, Music, Cooking/Baking, His privacy, Training, Power, His powers/abilities, Killing his enemies, His family, Video games, Milkshakes, Inkopolis, Inklings/Octolings

Dislikes: Traitors, Trusting people, Fake friends, Bullies, Cheaters, Liars, Perverts, Being truly alone, Being the last of his kind, His past, Being weak, Weaklings, Being a total failure, Being treated like a monster, Being told what to do, His nightmares, His powers (Finds them a curse as well)


•Parkour: At age 6, Yami started to learn parkour from his Uncle, who is an expert at it. After many years of practicing and training in parkour, Yami is now a master at it, an expert beyond his Uncle.

•Extremely High Durability: Yami has high durability since he has obtained his new powers and he can survive mostly anything. For example, Yami can now survive being thrown towards many mountains, survive jumping off a building at 400ft (Maybe even more), survive heavy deadly attacks towards normal humans, getting crushed, etc. The list goes on. However, Yami could still die like any normal human. For example, if Yami gets stabbed badly, as his durability couldn't handle the pain, he'll bleed out until he dies or just dies or from a deadly sickness.

•High-Tech Smarts: Yami was smart for a kid his age, but NOT that smart. When Yami was obtaining his powers, it was also affecting his brain, making his IQ grow. If Yami wanted, he can build high-tech weapons or maybe some armor and battle machines to help him out. The downside is that...well...he needs to parts for it.

The Last Of My Kind [Splatoon Harem] (Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now