Yami's Diary #2

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Here's another part of Yami's diary. Just a warning, it's pretty sad, considering the song I picked.

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[Yami's Dairy Cover]:


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Date: May 26, 2023

Hello Diary,

It's me again, Yami Akuma, back again to write. Today was just any other day. I started work again and I didn't really like my job as my boss is a complete asshole, but I needed the money to at least help out my mother and myself, even though the pay sucked a lot. In the morning, me and my girlfriend was sleeping in bed together peacefully, until I woke up. Both my girlfriend and mother wasn't awake, so I decided to cook some breakfast for them. Later, the girls came down and thanked me for the breakfast and compliment me on how good it is, to which I was grateful for. I didn't told my mother to not keep drinking...since what happened last time gave me ptsd. I am not gonna talk about it. (P1)

Later after breakfast, I took my motorcycle and drove to work. When I arrived at work, my boss just went asshole mode on me and I seriously didn't want to deal with his shit today or mostly everyday. So I took the pack from his office and went on to do my business on delivering the package. However, as soon as I finish delivering the package, a woman's scream echoed in the alley as I knew who that woman was. It was Mrs.Summer who was in trouble as she was surrounded some thugs as they were ready to take advantage of her. However, I saved her as I was not about to let that happened. Right after I've dealt with those fuckers, Mrs.Summer told me that they kidnapped her daughter as they have taken her in a white van, that had drove off earlier when I went to save Mrs.Summer. They were about to do something horrible with the little girl, taking her entire innocence away. (P2)

My entire heart just stop as I wasted no time, hop onto my motorcycle and burned rubber as I chased after the white fan. I managed to chase them to an abandoned warehouse and decided to go in loud and crazy, making me actually buy me some more time then being all stealthy. I did managed to kill the 2 pedo thugs as they had guns, but I was lucky. After killing the deserving, I headed to the 3rd floor to save Molly, even the other girls who got kidnapped, but I was ambushed by 3 bigger thugs, bigger than my size. When they pinned me down, I saw Molly crying and shaking. She was very scared as I also noticed the other kidnapped girls here. To my surprise...Slade was there as the boss, telling me that he kidnapped the girls to have sex with them, wanting to create the "Sex Empire" as he calls it. I would rather not explain anymore has it was sickening. Slade even started to torture me, hurting me, making me bleed. At first, I didn't make any painful sound...but I couldn't take it anymore as I screamed bloody murder. Guess I wasn't all tough. (P3)

I was losing a lot of blood and was weakening. I felt like I was really gonna die and fail Molly right there. I was so tired. When Slade grabbed Molly by the hair...hurting her...making her cry, I literally snapped. No thoughts, just murder on my mind. With strength I didn't know I had...I pushed the big gorilla thugs that pinned me down away, punched one of them so hard...their neck snapped. However, that massive rage episode I had drained me as I was moving my body too much when I'm injured. Slade escaped further into the warehouse with Molly as I was blocked by the rest of his big lackeys. However, I was actually saved when my best friend came to my rescue.

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