Yami's Diary #1

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Yes, you are seeing this right! I'm gonna start doing these from now on. Just a little about life of Yami or something like it. Hope you enjoy.

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[Yami's Dairy Cover]:


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Date: May 25, 2025

Dear Diary,

Looks like I'm really doing this. Hello diary, my name is Yami Akuma, a 17-year-old highschool student that wished to have a normal life. Today, it was another normal and hellish day for me. Reason why I call it a hellish/normal day is because....I've been dealing with bullying after bullying, fights after fights, everyday for as long as I can remember. I remember...being so alone, against the world and it hurts to think that. I wished that if I actually lived a real normal life and people treated me with kindness, then maybe I'll be in true peace and happy. However, happiness never seems to be on my side at all as I believe God really hates me. I actually used to be such a sorta happy kid when I was young, but it was taken away from me. A lot of kids tends to pick on me when I was very young and I never had any friends to have my back. I was truly alone. A lot of the kids my age loved how much pain they've brought onto me as I used to be very weak and couldn't do anything back in the day. This continued to a few more years until I had enough. My Grandfather, who passed away 6 years ago, trained me to be the strongest and toughest kid that I am today. He actually own a dojo as I trained everyday in martial arts/kung fu with him as he moped the floor with me. He was a pretty strong old man and I respected him. I'm very glad that he trained me as I'll never forget his lessons.

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While I've been training for awhile, as for my bullies, let's just say that they got extremely scared when I started to fight back. Serves them right. (P1)

I didn't even hesitate to hit my other bullies, that are girls. I believed in gender equality and don't really care about their feelings. I seriously don't care if anyone is male, female, trans, gay, lesbian, animal, etc, I won't hesitate to beat their asses if they piss me off. I usually don't fight unless anyone provokes me. Okay, enough about my past as I'll probably write about it some other time. So, today I woke up for another hellish day of school and went to the kitchen to eat my mother's delicious meal.

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