Episode 2: Dealing With A Pervert Once And For All. Save Molly!

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Sorry for the long wait, my fellow readers. We are very close to our first Arc of this story. Hope you're excited.

!Reminder!: All images/videos aren't mine as they belong to the rightful owner. Only the small little edits I do, belongs to me.

!Warning!: This episode will have some uncomfortable scenes, like the mention of pedophile and such. Even other uncomfortable words. Continue to read if you don't give a shit about the warning.

Extra note, this is just a story as nothing should be taken seriously. Plus, this story ain't 4kidz at the ages 15 and under. If you can handle it without complaining, then feel free to continue reading. You have been warned~.

[Opening 1]


[Narrator Pov]

Last time on "Splatoon Harem: The Last Of My Kind", both Yami and Skylar went on a date, enjoying eachother's company. They went to an Karaoke Bar, went shopping for clothes, enjoyed a movie together, and ate some delicious food. However, Yami met a disgusting pervert, sniffing women's underwear and secretly taking a picture under a girl's skirt. Yami then chased after him, from the rooftops until the pervert lead him to a secret shed, revealing to be Yami's annoying and pain in the ass bully; Slade.

When Slade left his secret shed, Yami broke into it and was beyond disgusted and horrified on what he saw. However, before he can utter a single word, a crowd and policemen suddenly surrounded the shed Yami was in as Slade was telling everyone that Yami was the disgusting perverted pedophile. Yami couldn't believe he fell into a trap. However, before Yami can be taken away for life, Skylar intervene and saved him, telling everyone that she has prove that Yami was innocent. She showed evidence from Yami's hidden camera in his shirt pocket. Slade escaped as the policemen chased him.

Both Yami and Skylar were walking home, as said boy was mentally exhausted, until they bumped into a sweet innocent girl named; Molly, an adorable child that both Yami and Skylar used to babysit a lot. Poor little girl as a seriously health condition that the teens, including the girl's mother, hope that she gets better soon. After saying their goodbyes, both Yami and Skylar went home after a long day, as they can't wait for their next date. Now, let's hope into the story!

[Third Pov]

(4 months before the wave ends humanity...1 more day before disaster)

[Location]: Empire City
[Date]: May 27, 2025
[Time]: 8:00 am

It is now a beautiful and peaceful morning, since yesterday. The birds are singing, dogs are barking, kids are playing, cars honking, etc. Another busy day in Empire City. Seriously, how many times am I gonna say the same thing? Anyways, in the Akuma's household, we can see both Yami and Skylar sleeping peacefully in their bed, cuddling very close to eachother. Skylar was snuggling closely to Yami's bare muscular body, making her smile pervertedly in her sleep.

Just then, Yami was the first one to wake up as he slowly opened his eyes and yawned.

Yami: {Yawns a bit} Morning already...?

Yami then saw Skylar closely snuggling up to him, making him smile softly as he kissed her forehead. Yami then gently and slowly got out of bed, not to wake up his beautiful girlfriend, and stretched while yawning again.

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