Episode 3: Calm Before The Storm. A Blast Within Empire City!

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What's up, my wonderful readers! Hope your day/night is going amazingly great so far. Sorry for the long wait everyone as these stories take time. Lots of planning, thinking of different scenarios on how I want this story to go, etc. I'm glad that you all are very patient with me.

For people who are not patient at all. Too fuckin' bad. I have better things to do and I ain't a damn super machine that can upload everyday. How about you be in someone's shoes and think how it feels to be rushed and saying when's the next update. I'm lucky I haven't lost my entire insanity from that.

Anyways, sorry about that everyone. All I want is peace as I don't like to start a war up in here, but I got to speak my mind. Love and peace is what I live by, not negativity. Now, let's hope into this story, shall we?

Just a heads-up, this chapter might be a bit shorter than normal. Hope that's alright.



[Narrator Pov]

On the last episode of "Splatoon Harem: The Last Of My Kind", Yami has woken up from his slumber and began to make some breakfast for his girlfriend and mother. After breakfast, Yami got ready for work, even though he doesn't like his job, his boss, and the pay was shit, but he had to start somewhere. As Yami got on his motorcycle and burned rubber, he eventually made it to his job, but his boss was being such an asshole. With a heavy sigh, Yami did his job as a delivery boy. As he managed to deliver a package, Yami heard a scream and knew that voice all too well. It was Mrs.Summer and she was in trouble as she was surrounded by some thugs. Yami wasted no time into beating those thugs into the ground and rescue Mrs.Summer. However, to Yami's horror, Mrs.Summer told him that they took poor Molly away in a white van.

With fiery determination in his eyes, Yami promised to save and bring back Molly no matter what. Without wasting anymore time, Yami got onto his motorcycle and really burned rubber, going after the white van. When Yami made it to the aban warehouse, he went in loud and crazy, destroying his bike in the process, and killing the henchmen along the way. However, Yami got caught by some big bois and found out that Slade was the "big boss" behind Molly's and the other girl's kidnapping. Suddenly, Yami snapped when he heard Molly's cries in and was very scared and he killed one of the big thugs. However, Yami was very injured and can barely defend himself, but in the nick of time, his best friend; Ruisu Naegi came to his rescue as backup.

Not long after, Yami went after Slade and dealt with him permanently. However, Molly's condition got even worse as the paramedics came. She got taken to the hospital as Yami went unconscious. By a miracle, Yami woke up a few hours later, heavily wrapped in bandages and hooked onto machines. His mother, girlfriend, and best friend were happy to see him awake. Sadly, when Yami went to see Molly, she was already gone. This definitely broke Yami as he couldn't believe that he failed. Let's check on our main protagonist to see if he's alright.

[Third Pov]

(4 months until the wave ends humanity...7 hours left until disaster

[Location]: Empire City, Cemetery
[Date]: May 26, 2025
[Time]: 1:30 pm

It's been an entire full day since Molly's death. Her entire family were at her funeral as the priest was saying that she's with God, giving his speech as her parents were in tears. Yami, Yana, Skylar, Ruisu and his girlfriend, even Flukey were all there. Yami should've been resting, hell, he should've stayed at the hospital, but he threatened the doctors to let him go and they comply with his request as they were actually terrified of him. Yami was wearing his best black suit as he was using a single crutch to hold himself up. As the priest finished saying his speech, Molly's family and Yami's family plus friends started to put some flowers on the little girl's coffin, that was already in the ground. As for Yami, tears fell down his face as he limped over to Molly's coffin and put her favorite teddy bear on her coffin.

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