Episode 12

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Third person's pov:

Namjoon was sitting on the couch with his face contorted into a dead serious expression while jin and rose were sitting on the other, laughing and talking like there's no one else here besides them.

"She will not come here till I'm staying.", the words left Namjoon's mouth making both jin and rose turn towards him for a moment.

Shrugging their shoulders, they again turned back like they didn't hear anything.

"She won't come here till I'm staying!!!", Namjoon shouted this time making them both startled. Jin turned his head at Namjoon looking at him furiously.

"Yahh!!! What is your problem?! She's my friend and she will come here to meet me!", jin yelled back.

"The friend who broke my forehead?", Namjoon passed a death glare to rose making her look down at her lap.

"That was a mistake and she even apologized. Now shut the fuck up or I'll throw you out of my apartment."

Namjoon looked at jin in utter disbelief at his warning.

"You'll throw your own brother out for a girl?"

"I can do that to you if you'll act unnecessarily rageful. Stop hating girls for once Namjoon. Not all girls are the same.", jin said in a soft tone.

Namjoon's expressions completely changed at his words as if the most sensitive topic of his life got unveiled in front of someone he didn't want it to. Without saying anything further, he stood up and left the apartment.

"What happened to him?", rose asked in puzzlement watching Namjoon's retreating figure.

"Long story.", jin commented heaving a deep sigh.

Jungkook's pov:

I went back to the club and instantly barged inside. Now is no time for mercy. If it's the wrong way...... then it is.

I pulled out my gun from the back and instantly placed it over the manager's head. He was shaking in fear at my gesture.

I abruptly pulled him holding the back of his neck and took him to the monitoring room of the place.

"Show me the CCTV footage of the whole club.", I ordered the men sitting at the chairs while placing the gun over the manger's head.

"Y-You know y-you're doing a c-crime?"

Without saying a word, I pulled out my card and placed it over the man's desk.

"Officer Jeon.", I firmly said making the man gulp.

He nodded his head and instantly turned on the monitors for me.

I looked through footages of different rooms but there were no footage of the VIP rooms as there were never cameras placed over there.

"Show me the footage of the hallways near the VIP rooms.", I commanded and the technician instantly nodded. The footage got played and my eyes narrowed in suspicion.

I saw a couple entering inside a VIP room with their backs at the camera. The footage kept going but the couple didn't come out.

But i wanted to wait. I felt there's something coming.

Suddenly the door of the room got barged open but again got slammed shut.

My eyebrows crashed together as I witnessed each and every moment carefully.

Heartless ✓|| Yandere Taehyung ft. Jungkook Where stories live. Discover now