Episode 13

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Jungkook's pov:

"Hey buddy! Yuna is inviting one of her really pretty friends. Shall we....."

"Yeah. I want all the officers to be there. I don't want a single mistake officer.", I hung up the call and looked at hoseok, who seemed puzzled.

Ignoring him, I started marching towards my desk.

"Why did you suddenly called for the force? Where are you going jungkook?", hoseok asked tailing behind me while I kept picking up my things from the wooden desk.

"Go and arrange a backup of at least three batch of officers. If required then call for police force from other cities as well.", I instructed officer kai loading bullets into my gun.


He shuddered at my loud voice and instantly nodded his head, leaving from the cabin.

"Jungkook what are you exactly doing?!!", hoseok held my arm making me inhale a sharp breath.

"I'm going to raid Kim Taehyung's place today.", I plainly replied moving away.

"Are you insane!!! What the hell has gotten into you!!!!", he shouted standing in front of me, blocking my way.

"Someone's life is at stake hoseok. I need to do it today. I need to save her.", I muttered the last sentence and moved away from him but he again blocked my way.

"Many people already died jungkook. And if you'll go this unprepared, then it will only cause more bloodshed. We need a plan....."


"We all know that the right time will never come. We need to save someone's life hyung. Before he harms another innocent, we need to save her.", I completed in a low tone.

I knew hoseok would never let me go if he came to know about my plan. But I couldn't help this time. This time I had no other options. I can't let anything happen to that girl.

I don't know what relationship does Kim Taehyung has with her. But I know that she might be in a big problem by the way he was dragging and pulling her that day.

Deep down I feel that, she indeed has some really deep connection with him.

"Jungkook you're calling for death.", Hoseok looked at me in concern but I shook my head.

"Even if it's death, I'm ready to take it all."

Third person's pov:

Jin got out of his apartment and was about to lock his door.

"Ahhhh!!!!!!", he shouted as Namjoon suddenly came to his sight.

"What are you doing here?!!!", he held his chest looking at Namjoon in shock.

"Where else can I go? I have no other place to live in this city.", Namjoon replied in a low yet upset tone.

Namjoon didn't come a night after his weird objection over rose's presence, which made jin think that he left back for soul.

But now he realizes that Namjoon is still here.

Exhaling a deep breath, jin took out his keys and handed it to him.

"Alright. Then go back inside before you freeze to death."

Heartless ✓|| Yandere Taehyung ft. Jungkook Where stories live. Discover now