Episode 37

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Third person's pov:

The day they most dreaded yet most waited for, finally came.

Today is the court hearing and for that, Jungkook has called his most trusted fellows along with Hoseok to take y/n to the court.

He can't do it himself cause namjoon is still missing, henceforth Jungkook has to take care of all the other affairs.

The evidences were secured in the safe of his secret locker. So he needs to collect them before leaving for the court.

Sara was ready along with Hoseok to make her way out of the house.

Jungkook passed Hoseok a genuine smile and Hoseok smiled back.

This smile was a sign to show how much he trusts his friend.

The same friend who was about to brutally break it.

Hoseok went out and now there was only sara and Jungkook, standing at the doorstep.

"Everything will be fine right....."

"Shhh....", Jungkook placed a finger at Sara's lips, with a smile embracing his features.

"I want you to go out with me miss Sara."

Her eyes widened and a crimson red color spread across her cheeks hearing his bold words.

"Once the case is over..... Let's date."

He smiled wider seeing her flustered state.

Her head instantly hung low in embarrassment while he chuckled.

Placing his thumb under her chin, he lifted up her head.

Their eyes got locked as he tenderly stroked her hair.

His lips slowly reached her face, and landed over her forehead.

He kissed her forehead for a long period as a few tears slipped down his eyes.

Maybe it would be his last time seeing her.

Maybe it would be the last time for them to be together.

But he's happy.

Happy that at least she would be living her life peacefully and blissfully.

If that's what takes his life, then he considers it the smallest sacrifice in return to that beautiful smile on her face.

Now he knows why Taehyung can't leave her.

Nobody can.

She's lovable.

But unlike Taehyung his love was never selfish.

Is love only about taking? For him it was always about giving. Giving anything or everything in your might to bring that smallest stretch of bliss across your beloved's lips.

Heartless ✓|| Yandere Taehyung ft. Jungkook Where stories live. Discover now