Episode 22

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Third person's pov:

The blinding dark night finally ended, spreading bright rays of hopes and optimism all over the sky, illuminating it, indicating a fresh new beginning.

They landed seoul after hours of long flight and she didn't even knew that the place she loathed the most earlier now would be pleasant for her to see again. Now she hates another place more than this one.

They got inside the car, going towards their new mansion which as mentioned before by him, is far away from the city.

She didn't even see much buildings in her sight as they were already on the highway now, surrounded by thick jungles.

Her eyes were fixed outside the window, taking in each and every detail of the place.

Suddenly her head snapped at her lap, feeling a hand placed on it, slowly caressing her inner thigh.

"There's no use to memorise anything. It's all forest, love. There's nothing more."

His voice had a sharp edge and she felt that he already looked through her plan the way his eyes looked into hers so deeply. She hates how vulnerable she feels under him and how easily he looks through her mind.

She didn't answer, instead looked down at her lap.

The rest of the ride was completely silent. His hand was still placed on her thigh yet she had no words or force to push it away from her.

Her eyes for the slightest moment went outside the window and there she caught a sight of something.  Something which brought back her hope.


They reached the mansion and he showed her the whole place. While touring the place she observed many ways to escape and instantly memorised them all.

In between his sentences, he kept giving her small warnings. Telling her about the high security placed outside and also that he will watch her every move through the CCTV planted at every corner of the mansion. But she couldn't care less.

He brought her to their shared bedroom and she found it a little weird as it had shades of pink in decorations and furniture both.

"You like it?", he asked mentioning the room theme.

She was puzzled while he chuckled and got closer to her palming her cheeks.

"Although I hate pink but I know that my life loves it. So I decided to add it to the theme of our room. You like it?", his eyes were sparkling in hope to get even the slightest answer by her side but she just shattered all his hopes, stepping back, pulling away from his touch.

How bad he hates when she pry away from his touch like that.

She knows that he can touch her or treat her anyway he wills. Then why does she always have to enrage him? And why doesn't she just give in to him?

Taking a sharp breath, he turned around and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

She slowly walked to the wall of the room which was painted in a light shade of pink.

She indeed loves this color. She loves the lilacs he planted for her in the garden. She loved the huge amount of expensive books, he brought from all around the world, just for her. She loves how he decorated the whole house with the paintings she loved the most and could only dream of ever owning in real life.

She loves all of this, each and everything..... But him.

She knows how he does all of these things for her, thinking he might win her heart like this one day. But the scars he gives her are far more deep to get healed by any of these things. None of this can ever heal the damage he did to her.

Heartless ✓|| Yandere Taehyung ft. Jungkook Where stories live. Discover now