Episode 29

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The sinister grin never left his features while her heart now raced in enormous fear watching him standing so close to her.

She thought she's safe now.

She thought she did everything in her might and defence before she could get harmed by him in any possible nightmarish circumstances. But she was wrong.

And to prove it, he stood right in front of her with the closest proximity between their bodies, reminding her of how real his existence is.

Kim Taehyung.

A fear, a trepidation and most of all a nightmare. A nightmare which in her case became the dreadful reality she faced with her opened eyes.

The dread which made people bow, oblige and surrender. An epitome of ruthlessness, command and apprehension.

Her tongue seemed tied and her glistening widened orbs never left his enigmatic one's as he slowly extended his hand to settle her front lock on the back of her ear.

His thumb slowly caressed the outline of her lips sending shivers down her spine, making her breaths uneven.

The phone in her hand slowly loosened in the grip and gradually slipped down her hold, scattering on the floor.

"You made it so hard for me love.", he breathlessly chuckled.

His fingers now traced all over her face as if trying to believe her existence in his grip.

"But why did you even torture me like this. When in the end you knew that I was your destiny?"

She gulped hard the lump forming in her throat. Tears glistening in her eyes, making her sight blurry.

His face gradually got closer to her neck, as he closed his eyes, inhaling her intoxicating scent.

"The same addicting scent.", he seductively whispered against her ears.

Warm breath fanned over her neck making her freeze at her spot.

Her body rigid but mind stormed in terror with the one question irking up her insides; what would he do next?

His hand now moved to the side of her neck. She quivered at the sudden frigid contact but soon her eyes widened as the black metallic gun came into her sight, making the tears finally roll down her eyes.

She saw how his lips curled up in a sinister grin and eyes sparkled in amusement as he saw fear in her eyes.

Fear. The only thing this devil feeds on.

His right hand moved forward as he picked the tear glistening down her cheeks on his finger and mockingly chuckled before moving to her ears.

"We need to get even....", he nibbled on her ear which made a hopeless hiccup leave her mouth. "For all the torturous nights I spent without you."

She felt dizzy. The fear made the raging pain arise in her chest making her breathless and suffocated.

She stumbled back out of his grip, and limped backwards till her back collided with the table and the vase on the table consequently fell down, shattering down to pieces.

"Are you okay sara?!! Something broke? Who's at the door...."

Her eyes widened even more hearing the approaching footsteps and realizing that eunwoo is right behind her now.

Heartless ✓|| Yandere Taehyung ft. Jungkook Where stories live. Discover now